A Court Martial

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That quieted us, and I pursed my lips. "Mother, perhaps Mr. Keller could take care of Adam for a bit."

Mr. Keller was more than amenable to take care of him, joking about two Adams spending some quality time together. So it was in a deadly silent room that two of Ezekiel's men dragged another in, his hands bound and a canvas sack over his head. Ezekiel roughly shoved him into a chair, then jerked the sack off to reveal a rather rough looking man. Short brown hair, a broken nose, a flushed face and darting green eyes.

Ezekiel stayed where he was, looming over him. "I caught this thief trying to break into my safe."

"Please, please ma'am, I didn't do anything." The man brought his hands up in supplication. "I don't know what he's talking about."

I raised a brow. "And you think I'd believe you over him?"

"What were you after?" Mother cut right to the quick. "Who paid you? Where did you come on?"

"He came on in Southampton, a quick hire for the crossing." Ezekiel crossed his arms, leaning against my desk. "I'd answer them if you want to get out of here with all your fingers."

The man stammered, "N-n-no one hired me. I just, I thought there might be some money. Captains make a lot of money, I just thought I could grab something."

"Unlikely." Mother sniffed, staring down her nose at him. "If you're honest I'll at least have you sent home. Otherwise, I'll see you thrown in an American jail, and you can say goodbye to any chance of seeing England's sunny shores again."

The man paled. "Y-you're right, I was paid. Someone gave me some money and told me to get whatever was in the safe. And to bring it to them. I swear, that's all!"


"I don't know, someone who was hired by someone else. That's all he would say."

I looked to Mother, "Henry?"

"More than likely." Mother shook her head, "Ezekiel, have him confined. Question him a few more times, just to make sure there's nothing more."

Ezekiel's men were called back inside, and the thief dragged out. He ran his hands through his hair, messing it this time, once we were alone. "Why would the Reichsters want what's in my safe?"

"Because they don't know it's candy and letters." I teased, "How many pounds did you bring back for your mother this time?"

He flushed, "Annie, you know if I didn't bring over a hundred pounds of sugar each trip that candy store would be out of business. And he gives free candy to the less well-off children!"

"And you come home with plenty of toffee for Morgan." Mother rolled her eyes. "She's coming over, right?"

"We all are, you two don't need to be alone that day." Ezekiel sighed, "And I've got your letters, although he was headed back out awfully fast our man said, didn't even have a pint before he left." I nodded, and Ezekiel came to sit on the edge of my desk. "Anyone else coming that night?"

"Oscar, and the Moodys." I smiled, remembering how Liz and James had been since they had come back from their honeymoon. Slightly tanned, all smiles and giggles, when you were around them it was like the whole world faded away and I had often found myself watching them, mooneyed and thinking of Will. It made Oscar miserable, and I was dearly looking forward to seeing him grumble the whole night.

It was at least distracting from my memories.

Will counted the days by the meals that were brought to him. Three meals to a day, a few trips to the head, and then back to bed. He passed his time reading through Ana's letters, and eventually digging out her earlier letters. She wrote so beautifully, about everything fun that he was missing, and she assured him of her love every time.

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