Chapter 50: Back from the Dead

Start from the beginning

"Mrs Evergreen's fleet?" Sky asked, narrowing his eyes at the explosion site. "Or Endurance's new pets? How can we tell who's winning?"

"No idea. We have to get closer," Naomi said, grabbing a shotgun.

"Evergreen was way ahead of us," Kovak replied as he grabbed one for him too. "Being the arrogant fool she is, she must've tried to take a shortcut and fly directly to the top, where Endurance is hiding."

"Hey, I just realised something. We had a safe landing," Charlotte said. "Why has nobody attacked us yet?"

"Are Endurance's phoenixes too busy kicking Mrs Evergreen's phoenixes' and the Elite soldiers' arses?" Luca asked.

Kovak smirked. "Maybe."

"Well, don't waste more time, then," Kenji said. "We have to get moving."

"I couldn't agree more," Sky said. "Grab all the ammo you can. But before we leave, we need some branches and leaves to provide some camouflage for Naomi's van. Come on. I want to save Haywire as soon as possible."

By the time they had covered the vehicle with proper camouflage, the sun had begun to set

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By the time they had covered the vehicle with proper camouflage, the sun had begun to set. More explosions painted the twilight sky even redder.

The faces of Sky's friends turned paler.

"Don't bother yourselves with those explosions," Naomi said, calling their attention over the loud symphony of war. "This is just like any other fight you've been involved in when you defended the Hovering Hive."

"But we're not as many as them," Winona said in a sheepish voice.

"Our firearms are no better than theirs," Charlotte added.

"And we haven't got a single phoenix on our side to help us," Luca said.

"That's why nobody expects us to come here looking for trouble," Sky said. "I'm sure both parties are so engrossed in fighting one another that they won't notice we're here. We'll sneak past their defence lines and the active battle field up the mountain."

Everybody focused their eyes on him as he pointed to the burning part of the jungle, up the volcano. Now that the sky was turning darker, the raging fire of war was clearer.

"Besides, we've got our wits and cunning," Sky added with bright eyes. "If you're not sure you can do this, stay here to guard the vehicle and hide. Now it's the time to back off, if you're too scared."

A hard silence ensued, but none of the people present showed any signs of backing off.

"Okay then. Once we get to the battlefield, I'll look for Haywire," he added. "You keep pushing. Go ahead with the mission. Find Endurance's hiding spot and analyse his weaknesses before attacking. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"What if Mrs Evergreen gets there first?" Hazel asked. "Since Haywire's become so powerful thanks to the Lifebringer, what if she's sacrificing the rest in the battle but she's saved him for the big boss fight?"

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