Alalha: Abgal

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God of Roads, Protection & the Deserts

Son of Quzah & Al Lat

Sacred Symbols: Crossroads

(Earth Purview) God of Roads: Monopatikinesis: Abgal is the God & the Embodiment of Roads. As the God & the Embodiment with the Purview of Roads, Abgal has monopatiscience, monopatipotence, can create, shape & can manipulate different kinds of pathways, including trails, roads, streets, highways, railways, sidewalks, passages, etc. They can alter the path's direction, change its destination, or make surface changes to them.

(Almighty Purview) God of Protection: Protection: Abgal is the God & the Embodiment of Protection. As the God & the Embodiment with the Purview of Protection, Abgal has prostasiascience, prostasiapotence, can create, shape & can manipulate protection of others and other things and oneself (who is protected by others), provided that those others and/or oneself does not have any defenses of their own. making it so that something is harder to protect or that something is easier to protect from any kind of harm or danger.

(Earth Purview) God of Deserts: Erimoskinesis: Abgal is the God & the Embodiment of Deserts. As the God & the Embodiment with the Purview of Deserts, Abgal has erimosscience, erimospotence, can create, shape & can manipulate the deserts of any climate, and everything in them, including all the aspects of the deserts, from the purely physical ones and also mythical/conceptual ones.

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