He started laughing. "Dude,she can't control it . He gave her the whole damn bottle . For a man ,it could be worse. You'll fuck for hours and still not get satisfied."

I cringed,I tried not to let my mind wonder to that direction. "Isn't there like a counter drug or antidote..... something like that".

That stupid grin was back on his face " The only antidote is getting laid and you could use it better than her ".

I could feel my face turning red . " I'm not taking advantage of her ".

He shrugged."suit yourself ,or I could help you take care of her". He winked at me.

      If looks could kill then there would be a hole through his head right now.
  Thirty minutes later,we arrived at my cabin. I wasted no time and took Elizabeth into the bedroom with Logan following behind.

"Are you not going to wash those off ". He said pointing at my bloody tux. I had completely forgotten that I was soaked in blood.  I placed her in my bedroom and went into the bathroom to get cleaned up.
        I had no idea how I was going to explain why I was here,I'll just make something up.
      I came out of the bathroom and saw Logan sitting on the side of the bed.

"Don't you have your own bedroom?" I asked ,glaring at him.

He pouted . " Rude !". He then got up to leave.

Remembering the situation we have ,I called him back. " Do you think we should take her to the hospital".

He paused ." And blow up our cover?"

He was right. If this hadn't happened,then I should be on my way back to England right now . I can't leave her here and I wasn't even sure if it was safe to contact those ladies she was with earlier.

"What am I supposed to do when she wakes up ". I gritted my teeth. The sick part of me was anticipating what's its like to see her extremely aroused .

That devious grin was back on his face. " You don't have to do anything." He patted my shoulders . " I'll can help you out,I promise I'll go easy on her ".

  I went to punch him in the face but he dodged it.
Laughing he ran out of the room. "This is your only chance to getting laid Or you can just finger fuck her ." He winked and shut the door behind him.

I took a deep breath,the only reason I was still keeping him around was because he kept my secret and I kept his. During our first year in SAS ,he broke the number one rule which was to remain a virgin for the first ten years of our training. But I caught him in bed with a lady during our first assignment and the penalty for that was worse than death. My own secret was that I killed someone I shouldn't have and he helped me cover it up. I don't regret it though,killing him saved hundreds of people.

        Now I was stuck with him till we were done with our mission.
   I heard Elle moan softly and turned in her direction. She shifted on the bed ,her eyes fluttered open . she stared at the white sheets in confusion.

  I panicked a little because I still haven't thought of the lie I'd tell her . She groaned and sat up pulling on her dress. The silk red material was already raised to her knees giving me a perfect view of her legs. I cleared my throat to announce my presence since she hadn't noticed yet.

   She grasped as her eyes fell on me. "What??....you ". She kept pulling on her dress like she wanted to take it off. Her face was flushed and she was breathing heavily,the drug was probably kicking in already.

   "Felix.....he ........he was ". She kept rambling on .

I took a step forward. "I'll take care of him ". I assured her .Her eyes widened in confusion. She just woke up in a strange room and feeling a mixture of strange emotions so I understood her confusion.

CHASM : Worlds Will Burn حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن