Chapter Five

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When Rose got home that night, she realized she would have to tell Rain that tomorrow is her last day attending the high school. She would finish high school online starting the day after. She worried that this would make him break things off with her, she didn't want to lose him, her feelings for him were getting really serious, really fast. If he broke things off with her now, she would be completely devastated.
In the shower, all she could think about was the backseat of her car, Rains fingers going in and out of her, the taste of his lips on hers, the feeling of his member grinding against her sex. She wanted him so badly. She grabbed her phone off the shelf next to the shower and opened her messages. "Just thinking of you in the shower ;*" she got butterflies in her stomach as she hit send. Seconds later, she heard a DING from her phone. "Would love to be in that shower with you, feeling your naked body against mine" he replied to her. Rose bit her lip, she couldn't stop thinking about what it feels like when she's with him. The excitement, the butterflies, the fear of him walking away and never looking back.
"I have a confession to make..." she hesitated before hitting send on her message. Ready to confess, she hit send and sat her phone down before she could change her mind. Rinsing off her body wash, she heard a DING come from her phone. She turned off the water, opened the shower curtain, and grabbed her towel drying off.
She grabbed her phone and read "confess away babygirl". She sat her phone down and started to think over how she would word her feelings toward him. Is it too soon she thought to herself as she got dressed. Will this push him away she wondered.
Shaking away her thoughts, she picked up her phone and typed out "you make me feel a way I've never felt about anyone before, you make me want to do things I've never done before. I think I'm falling in love with you. And I'm scared that telling you this will scare you away. I don't want that at all, I just think you should know how I'm feeling about us. If you want to break things off, I understand..." Feeling confident in her words she hit send.
Minutes went by with no reply. She was starting to get worried that it was in fact too soon. She paced back and forth through her bedroom, waiting for a response. It was getting late maybe I should just go to sleep she thought to herself. As she climbed into bed, her phone started ringing.
Butterflies filled her stomach when she saw that it was Rain. She hesitated before answering it.... "Hello?" She said quietly. "Hey babygirl" he said "I just wanted to call you and tell you that there's no scaring me away... and I feel the same way. I've never felt this way before but you're special to me." Rose just smiled insanely big on the other end of the phone, then in a second, her smile vanished.
"Before we continue this conversation, there's something else I need to tell you..." she said anxiously. "You can tell me anything babygirl, what's on your mind?" He asked.
"Tomorrow is my last day going to the high school" she said nervously. "What do you mean it's your last day? Are you graduating early?" he asked.
"No im not, I'm gonna finish high school online, I get bullied so much, I just got sick of it. I finally talked my mom into letting me finish online" Rose replied. "Well, we will just have to figure out a way to make it work, because I'm not going anywhere, not after the confession I just made." He replied to her. Within an instant her smile was back and so were the flutters in her stomach.
"Well, now that that is settled... I can't stop thinking about your touch, and the way you feel pressed up against me" she said biting her lip "I'm turned on right now just thinking about it" she said rubbing her thighs together. "Oh baby, me to, you do something to me that I don't understand. I want you so badly I can't stand it" he replied. "Will I see you tomorrow?" Rose asked nervously. "Oh yeah, absolutely" he said "goodnight babygirl, dream of me"
"As long as you dream of me, goodnight sexy" she said giggling. "I don't really want to hang up" he admitted with a chuckle "I wish I was there with you right now"
"So do I" she said biting her lip "lets sleep on the phone with each other" she suggested. "Sounds like a deal babygirl, get some sleep, goodnight beautiful"
"Goodnight baby, sweet dreams" she said, and with that, the two were fast asleep on the phone together.

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