Chapter Nine

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        They awake the next morning and get ready to leave Meme's. "Thank you for letting us stay with you" they said as they walked out the door.
         They drove back to dunkin in silence, Rose got worried that it was because of what they did the night before. Was I bad at it she wondered did I do something wrong? Rose couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in her stomach as they pulled into the parking lot next to Rains car.
        "Did I do something wrong? Did you not enjoy last night?" She said out loud before she could stop herself. "What, no of course not babygirl. I enjoyed every second of it. I promise." He replied hurriedly. Rose exhaled, as if she was holding her breath, "okay" she said as she smiled.
"I'm leaving today to go to my cousin Nicole's in Florida with my mom" said Rose. Rain frowned "but I don't want you to go, I'll miss you" he said to her. "I'll miss you baby, but we'll talk all the time, I wish you could come with me" she said half smiling. "Me to babygirl" Rain replied. He leaned over and gave her a deep passionate kiss, then he said goodbye and got in his car. Rose drove home to get ready for her trip.

          As she packed for her trip, all she could think about was how much she was gonna miss Rain. She just wanted to spend all her time with him. She was in love with him, she just hadn't told him yet.
          She packed her suitcases into her car and headed toward her dad's to pick up her stepbrother, Thomas. He was going on the trip with her.
           As she pulled into her dad's driveway, Thomas walked out with his suitcase. They placed it in the car and headed for Nicole's. It was a long six hour drive. They talked and listened to music, Rose told him all about Rain and how she had fallen in love with him. Thomas was happy she found someone that was good to her and made her so happy.
They got to Nicole's and parked the car, getting out their suitcases. "Oh my gosh, hey" Rose says to Nicole hugging her. "It's been so long, nice place". They walked in to the house. "I met someone" Rose blurts out. "His name is Rain, he's sexy and sweet, he opens doors for me, he's amazing" she said blushing "I think I'm totally in love with him".
Nicole looked at her and smiled. "I'm so happy for you, he better treat you good or he'll have to go through me" she said laughing. Nicole hugged her and kissed her forehead "just take things at your pace, not his" said Nicole. "We are, I promise" Rose replied. Nicole was always more like a sister to Rose. They talked about everything. Stuff she felt like she couldn't talk to her mom about, she could talk about with Nicole.
Rose walked to the room she would be staying in and unpacked her suitcases. Hanging her clothes in the closet she heard a DING come from her phone. She checked her phone to see a message from Rain "I miss you so much it hurts" he said. Rose's heart filled with warmth "I miss you so muches and bunches baby, I wish you were here with me so I could kiss you :*" she replied.
"Babygirl if I was there I would pick you up and wrap your legs around my waist, I'd push you up against the wall and kiss you so deeply you'd be out of breath. I'd rub my hand up your thigh to your butt and squeeze, then I'd walk you over to the bed and lay you down,  I'd kiss down your body until I got to your sweet spot, then I'd hover my mouth over your sweet spot teasing you, then I would fuck you so hard the whole neighborhood would hear you" said Rain.
Rose dropped her clothes on the floor and closed her door. She laid on her bed and slowly took her fingers, starting at her neck, she slid her fingers all the way down her body to her clitorous. She moved her fingers in circles over and over reading his message until finally she came. "You just made me cum" she said to Rain blushing. "If I was there I'd make you cum a second time babygirl" he replied.
Rose put her phone down, biting her lip. Thinking of Rain, she finished hanging her clothes in the closet then sat on the bed. Staring at her phone she typed "I'm so in love with you" but she didn't hit send. She sat there thinking for a few moments, then all of a sudden he texted her "I love you" she read. She smiled from ear to ear and let out a little giggle, then hit send.
           She walked into the kitchen where Nicole was finishing dinner "what's for dinner" she asked. "Bbq chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans" said Nicole. "Mmmm sounds yummy" Rose replied. Rose made a plate and sat down at the table with Thomas "she's a good cook, you'll like it" she said to him.
            They ate all their dinner and helped clean up. "So, what are we gonna do tomorrow" Rose asked. "I was thinking we could go to a spring, have you ever been to one" Nicole said. "No I haven't, sounds cool" she replied. She walked to her room and opened her phone, looking at her pictures of Rain, she decided to FaceTime him. It rang a few times then he answered. "Hey babygirl" he said. Rose smiled "hey handsome, I miss you so muches" she said. "I miss you baby, more than you know. I wish I was there with you." He said. "Are you in your car? What are you doing?" She asked. "Just going to hang out with the boys at the shop, what are doing babygirl".
          "Just ate dinner, I was missing you looking at your pictures so I wanted to call. But Nicole is yelling for me so I'll talk to you in a little bit?" She asked. "Of course baby girl. I love you" he said. Rose smiled and blushed. "I love you baby. So much". Then they hung up the phone.
           She walked into the living room to see what Nicole needed. "We're gonna be getting up a little early to get everything ready to go to the spring tomorrow. Might wanna get some rest you had a long drive." She said "yeah I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight" Rose said to everyone. Then she walked into her room and got dressed for bed. She climbed in and texted Rain "goodnight baby I love you" she said. Being exhausted from her drive, she was soon fast asleep.

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