Chapter Fifteen

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Rose woke up the next morning dreading the fact that she had to go to work that day. She read her book most of the day, aside from eating and texting Rain. She was so happy things with Rain were so good, though she wondered occasionally why he lays his phone face down so she can't see it. She felt like that was a sign he's hiding something, but she didn't want that to be true so she never said anything about it.
When it was time to get ready for work, she put on her make up, put her hair in pony tail, and got dressed in her uniform. She told her mom bye and headed for the car, getting in and starting it up. She drove away and headed for work.

         When she got to work she parked her car and got out. She walked inside and walked over to the register to clock in. "Hey Meme" she said as she clocked in. "Hey Rose how are you?" She asked "I'm good thank you" Rose replied.  About that time Rain walked in "hey girls" he half yelled holding his hands in the air. Rose walked over to him and kissed him on the lips, making him smile. "You two are too cute" Meme said "when are yall getting married" she asked half jokingly. "Woah woah woah slow down" said Rose blushing "we've only been together three months". They sit down at the table and Rose notices that once again, Rain puts his phone face down. "Why do you lay your phone like that" she asked "what do you mean" he replied
         "Your phone, why do you lay it face down" she asked "oh, it's just a habit" he said to her. Rose looked at Meme with a suspicious look on her face, but she let it go. They've never had a fight before and she didn't wanna make one out of nothing. Underneath the table, Rain put his hand on her thigh, rubbing up to her sex.

After work, Rain followed behind Rose to go to her house. Her mom was working and would be there all night and her brother was at her dad's house, so the house would be completely empty.
Rose couldn't stop thinking about Rain laying his phone face down all the time. She was hoping that tonight she would get some answers, since he would be staying with her the whole night. They pulled into her driveway and got out of their cars, walking inside.
         "I think I'm gonna go take a shower" she said with a blank look on her face. "Ok babygirl, can I join you" Rain replied with a grin "not this time, I just want to think" she said walking away to the bathroom. Rain was confused, wondering if he'd done something wrong.
         As Rose got undressed for her shower she couldn't shake the feeling that Rain was hiding something from her. Am I crazy for thinking we can make this work when he's in school everyday and I'm not? she thought to herself. She pulled out her phone and texted Meme "it's suspicious right?" Second later, Meme replied "I would worry that something was going on if it were me, maybe just talk to him about it and let him know that it's a trigger for you" she said.
          Rose climbed into the shower, stepping directly into the water. As the water poured down her body, she lifted her head, placing her hand on the wall under the shower head just talk to him, be straightforward and to the point she thought to herself let him know your not ok. She removed her hand from the wall and grabbed her shampoo, beginning to wash her hair.
          As she washed her hair she hoped and prayed that he wasn't hiding anything, that it was all just in her head from fear. She grabbed her scrunchie and body wash and washed her body. While she was rinsing off she heard a knock on the door "you okay in there babygirl?"
        "Yep, almost done" she replied quietly. She turned off the water and opened the curtain, grabbing her towel. She dried off and wrapped the towel around her, opening the door. When she walked into her room Rain was sitting on her bed. He looked up at her and grinned nervously. He opened his mouth like he was gonna say something, then closed it back.
         Rose walked over to her dresser and pulled out her panties. She put them on, keeping the towel wrapped around her. As she walked to the closet she heard Rain say "is something wrong baby" she grabbed her T-shirt and dropped her towel, putting it on. She grabbed her towel off the floor and walked past Rain and into the bathroom, not saying anything. She hung up her towel then looked in the mirror, taking a breath.
         She walked back into her room and looked at Rain "I feel like you're hiding something from me, you always lay your phone face down when I'm around, it's suspicious" she said. As soon as she finished saying the words, she heard the Snapchat notification sound coming from his phone. "Who is that" she said crossing her arms "who is texting you?"
           Without saying anything, Rain lifted his phone and held it out in his hand, offering it to her. Rose hesitated then grabbed his phone, afraid to look at it. Instantly she saw the Snapchat was from a girl. She slid up on his iPhone and the password screen popped up. She typed in his password 0123 and Snapchat was already opened. She swiped left and saw the name. TARA💕 suddenly her heart dropped, she instantly got sick to her stomach. She opened the Snapchat from her, it was a picture of her face with an S drawn on the screen. She was just sending out her streaks, but there was a heart next to her name. She looked up at Rain confused "how could you do this to me" she asked.

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