Chapter 43

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The girls immediately scream as Y/n had just crashed into the table that they were sitting on

Jiraiya: Sakura!! What have you done!?

Jiraiya feels a familiar presence/feeling as he turns

Jiraiya: There is no way that that woman has come back from the dead

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Jiraiya: There is no way that that woman has come back from the dead...

Jiraiya turns but only sees Sakura standing there

Jiraiya: No come Sakura feels so similar to Kushina..

Sakura: You were the one who taught him that Jiraiya-sensei!!

Jiraiya: I merely said that Tsunade has a nice personality

Y/n: But you had a perverted look on your face Jiraiya-sensei..

Sakura gets even more pissed

Sakura: So that's what you were talking about...!!

A sweat drop drops down from Jiraiya's face as he believes he is going to get decked in the face to...but fortunately for Jiraiya, some people are here to stop the situation

Man 1: Oi! You guys spilled drinks onto my coat!

Man 2: And mine to!

They turn around as they see two bald men in suits walking towards them

Man 1; Pay up now or we are going to have to use some force!

Y/n stands up as he makes his way towards the two men but Jiraiya puts his hand on his shoulder

Jiraiya: I've got this Y/n. Naruto!

Naruto: Yes Jiraiya-sensei?

Jiraiya: I'm going to show you a watch very closely

Jiraiya puts his hand down as he starts to create the rasengan

Man 1; Now you have done it!!

The man charges towards Jiraiya about to attack him as Jiraiya hits the man with the rasengan which hits the man into the other man which sends them both crashing into a stand

Naruto: Wow....what an awesome jutsu!! Wait...

Naruto turns to Y/n

Naruto: Can't you do that jutsu?

Y/n: Yeah.

Y/n sticks out his hand as he makes a rasengan

Y/n: I used it against Neji when he did his little rotation

Jiraiya: And I am going to be teaching you this jutsu Naruto.

Jiraiya, Y/n, Naruto and Sakura all walk off as the man on the floor looks up in shock and fear

Man 1: Y-you are the legendary Sannin..Jiraiya the Gallant...

The man reaches into his pocket and grabs his wallet

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