Chapter 34

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I've decided to make Neji stronger to make it a bit (Only a little bit) more fair.

Hiashi was shocked that Y/n was easily able to block all of the attacks that Neji had thrown at him

Hiashi: It must be a bluff...Neji is the strongest in the Hyuga clan! There is no way he would lose to a brat

Neji himself chuckles as he looks at Y/n

Neji: You are just lucky I haven't decided to get even more serious Y/n.

Y/n: Get serious then. Or else I'll get serious and beat you

Neji gets into his stance as he chuckles

Neji: How deplorable.

Neji runs towards Y/n as they both get into a Taijutsu battle but it's clear that Y/n is better as he kicks Neji back

Y/n: I said get serious Neji. Or do you really want to disgrace the Hyuga like that

Neji gets a bit pissed as he runs at Y/n at full speed trying to catch him off guard but Y/n throws a marked kunai behind Neji as he just teleports away

Neji: I guess you are just scared of me! Show me how strong you really are...Y/n Uzumaki!!!

Kurama: Show him what you are made of Y/n. Since he is getting way too cocky

Y/n smirks

Y/n: Okay then. I guess I'll show you what I am really made off

Neji: Finally! Show me your inconceivable power to m-

Y/n blitzes towards Neji as he kicks him into the ground

Neji: What come he is so fast!?

The crowd is shocked at Y/n's speed as he was able to knock Neji Hyuga over

Chunin 1: How was he even able to do that..?

Chunin 2: It must be some little trick. There is no way he could beat Neji

Sakura: GO Y/N!!!!

Sakura shouts as Y/n looks up in embarrassment

Ino: I never knew that Y/n was that fast...

Naruto: He's been training Ino! Of course he get way stronger then he is right now!

Shikamaru: He looks different as well

They look at the clothes that he is wearing as they look different to the ones he normally wear

Rock Lee: Let's hope he can beat Neji...

Everyone turns and sees Rock Lee hobbling down on crutches

Sakura: Lee!!

Rock Lee: No...I think he can beat Neji. You seem so different to when I first went up against you Y/n....

Y/n takes out his katana as he looks at Neji

Y/n: Come at me then...

Neji gets up as he chuckles

Neji: It seems that I should get serious too...I've been working on this technique to take you down

Neji starts to put his hands in a bow formation as something starts to form

Neji starts to put his hands in a bow formation as something starts to form

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Hiashi looks at Neji in shock

Hiashi: There is no way that he is using that technique...

Hinata: What technique father...

Hiashi: This has been prohibited from use in the Hyuga clan....

Neji starts to charge his arrow as the arrow gets bigger as Neji puts even more chakra into it

Neji: This will take you down!! This is the end....Y/N UZUMAKI!!

Neji fires the arrow at Y/n as Y/n looks at it and puts his katana where the arrow is trying to block it but he didn't know the sheer force of the arrow as he is blocking at and is getting pushed back

Y/n: What...

Y/n goes crashing into the wall due to the impact of the arrow. Everyone goes silence as they see a massive hole in the wall

Sakura: Oh no.....

Sakura looks as if tears are going to flow down her face as Naruto just looks down at Neji

Neji: I think this match is over with. I think I am the winner

Y/n: I don't....think so...

Y/n emerges from the debris unscathed to the shock of everyone as Neji looks at him

Neji: But how....!?

Y/n: You are just weaker than me Neji. That arrow did catch me off guard but I was able to deal with it

Neji: you...!!!

Neji starts to fire a bunch of arrows as Y/n runs towards Neji as he blocks every single arrow that is coming his way.

Neji: Grrrr!!

Neji sees that Y/n is getting closer and closer so he decides to rotate

Y/n: I guess I should show the jutsu

Y/n jumps into the air as he gets closer and closer to Neji. A massive spiral of chakra appears in his hand

Y/n: Rasengan!!

Y/n clashes with Neji's rotation as there is just a massive explosion.

Sakura: Y/n....

The debris clears as it shows Y/n still standing looking down at a knocked out Neji

Genma: And the winner of this Y/n Uzumaki!!

Sakura: HE WON!!!

Everyone starts to clap and cheer for Y/n as Y/n looks at everyone and bows

Chunin 3: Why does he remind me so much of the fourth Hokage?

Chunin 4: I have no clue...

Hinata: You were able to win Y/n...well done...

Sakura was jumping for joy as she was hugging Ino

Sakura: He won! He won! He won!!

Ino: Calm down Sakura..!!!

Naruto: I can't believe it...he actually beat Neji! He mopped the floor with Neji!

Rock Lee was shocked at the result but smiles

Rock Lee: Next will be me that's going up against Y/n!

Hiashi: There is no was that brat able to beat Neji!? Just how!?

Hinata: He was just stronger father....

Hiashi: I refuse to believe that!!

Gaara, Kankuro and Temari were watching the fight from up above

Gaara: It seems that Y/n is strong...He will be a massive problem

Kankuro: He will definitely be a problem...right Temari

Kankuro turns and sees that Temari's face is red

Kankuro: Temari!!

Temari: Y-yeah...?

Kankuro just sighs

Kankuro: Whatever....

Thanks for reading!!

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