Chapter 5

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It was the next day and it was bright and early in Konoha. Y/n had just woke up as he walks over to his bathroom.

Y/n: I feel like  I'm a lot stronger. It must be because of the training with Kurama

Kurama: No problem kid.

Y/n hears Kurama's voice as he is shocked

Y/n: We are able to talk telepathically? That's so cool

Kurama: You now know more jutsu then before. Especially because you have a natural affinity for all chakra Natures

Y/n: And you taught me how to use chakra control more effectively, so that I don't waste chakra

Kurama: Exactly right.

Y/n smiles as he clutches his stomach

Y/n: Thank you....Kurama.

Kurama smiles

Kurama: Don't thank me yet. You still have that test to do

Y/n: Oh yeah! You are right! I might as well wake up Naruto

Y/n walks over to where Naruto is sleeping as he starts to tap him

Y/n: Naruto....wake's time to go that bell test

Naruto rolls over to another side as he is just murmuring in his sleep

Naruto: Raaaammmeennn....

Naruto continues to murmur about Ramen as Y/n tries one more time to wake him up.

Y/n: I guess he isn't going to wake up. I don't want to leave him but....

Y/n walks towards the entrance of the house as he opens it and closes the door behind him.

Y/n: I don't want to be late. Kakashi-sensei could already be there....and I have a lot to ask him

Y/n jumps from rooftop to rooftop until he eventually makes it to the training ground. He looks around and sees that the only person there is Sasuke

Y/n: Has....everyone else not arrived yet...?

Y/n keeps his distance from Sasuke as Sasuke looks to him. Shaking his head.

Y/n: Okay....

There is silence for a bit until Sasuke decides to say something

Sasuke: How....are you so strong?

Sasuke swallows his pride when he asks Y/n that question as Y/n looks at him

Y/n: I could teach you some basics....before the others arrive.

Sasuke nods accepting that he would like to be taught by Y/n.


Y/n and Sasuke had finished their little training as Sakura and Naruto finally appeared

Naruto: Y/n!! How come you didn't want to wake me up!?

Naruto starts to shake Y/n as Y/n has a blank expression. Kurama starts to laugh

Kurama: That kid..

Y/n: But....i tried to...

Naruto: Well clearly you didn't!!

Y/n has a depressed look as he goes and sits at a tree

Sakura: How long are we going to wait on Kakashi-sensei?

Naruto: He is always late!

Team 7 wait for even more hours until eventually Kakashi appears in a puff of smoke

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