Chapter 13

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Y/n eventually makes it to the house where they were resting in as he sees Tsunami and the little kid lying down.

Y/n: I see that something may have happened here....

Y/n walks up the steps and puts Sakura into one of the beds as he ticks her in.

Sakura: Y-y/n....

Sakura slowly opens her eyes as she sees Y/n there as he smiles

Y/n: Ah! You are awake...just stay used up all of your chakra on that genjutsu

Sakura: But what about you? What are you going to do?

Y/n starts up as he tightens his headband

Y/n: I'm going to help out Sasuke, Kakashi and Naruto.

He turns and looks at her

He turns and looks at her

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Sakura: Y/n....

Her face goes a bit red as Y/n starts to walk off not before calling out to him

Sakura: Wait!!

Y/n: Yeah?

Sakura: Good Luck...

Y/n smiles

Y/n: Thank you! And don't worry! We will win!

Y/n runs down the stairs as he does a few hand signs

Y/n: Kurama can you give me a bit more chakra so that I can go faster?

Kurama was just laughing

Y/n: What!? Why are you laughing!?

Kurama: I see what you tried to do with Sakura. You tried to give her hope and make her seem like the hero! Great way to talk to her

Y/n's face goes a bit red while he is running

Y/n: N-no! It's not like that at all!

Kurama: And no I'm not going to give you any of my chakra

Y/n: Whaaaatt!? Why not Kurama!!?


Y/n: Kurama!? Come on you can't do me like that!!

Y/n continues to jump from tree to tree as he tries to reach Kurama

Y/n: Fine then. Lightning Release: Overdrive!!

The lightning goes on his legs as he blitzes even quicker towards the bridge

(with the Bridge Team)

The clone of Y/n, Sasuke and Naruto were going up against Haku as Haku decided to use his ice mirrors and started to target them with senbon

Y/n (Clone): You should have never came into the ice mirrors brother! One of us has to protect Tazuna

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