Chapter 18

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Y/n looks at Kurotsuchi as she looks at him narrowing her eyes

Kurotsuchi: .....You are kind of right! He does look a lot like the person that gramps always talks about!

Leader: What should we do!? He might be the same level as the fourth hokage!!

Kurotsuchi smiles as she looks at Y/n

Kurotsuchi: Say! Are you strong?

Y/n: What makes you think that I'll answer your question

Kurotsuchi smiles as she gets ready

Kurotsuchi: I didn't.

Y/n was caught a bit off guard by that response as she dashes in towards him as she engages with him in a taijutsu battle. It's clear that Y/n isn't weak as he is able to over power her when it comes to Taijutsu

Kurotsuchi: What the? How come he is able to over me! No matter!

She jumps back as she starts to weave hand signs

Kurotsuchi: Earth Release: Earth Flow Spears!!

Kurotsuchi puts her hands down onto the ground as Y/n realises this as he jumps up into the air

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Kurotsuchi puts her hands down onto the ground as Y/n realises this as he jumps up into the air. As he does that, spikes appear from the ground

Y/n: Phew..that could have caught me-

Y/n has no time to rest as he blocks a kick from Kurotsuchi as she continues to try and hit him but Y/n continues to block her.

Y/n: Let's turn this on its edge!

A red colour starts to leak from Y/n as Kurotsuchi is a bit confused

Kurotsuchi: What the....? What is this chakra coming from him?

Y/n starts to weave hand signs

Y/n: Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!!

A huge gust of wind appears as it blows Kurotsuchi through the trees and forest as she covers her face

Kurotsuchi: Where did this huge gust of wind come from!!

Y/n turns to Sakura, Sasuke and Hinata

Y/n: You guys deal with them while I go deal with the lady!

They nod

Sakura: Good luck Y/n!

Y/n smiles as he does some hand signs

Y/n: Lightning Release: Overdrive!

Y/n blitzes towards where Kurotsuchi is as she did not expect that at all

Kurotsuchi: How did he get here so fast

Y/n: Haaa!!

Y/n with speed kicks Kurotsuchi as she slams down into the ground.

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