Chapter 25

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Y/n goes back to the cave as he sees both Sasuke and Naruto lying down.

Y/n: I see that he must have hit your chakra points....

Sasuke: Yeah.

Sasuke bits his lip as he has a look of disappointment. Disappointed that he wasn't able to protect Sakura and Naruto....and to top it all off, he had to get saved by Y/n.

Naruto: He really was strong....a lot stronger then us

Y/n: Don't worry...we will just heal up for a bit here..

Sakura goes towards Sasuke aid as she starts to tend to him. Y/n sighs as he walks towards a rock and sits down there

Kurama: It looks like we are going to have be here for quite some time

Y/n: We have some time though I am not really too worried about it

Kurama: You are right...


Sometime had passed as Naruto and Sasuke's chakra networks were unblocked

Naruto: Finally!! Now we can go and look for another scroll

Sasuke: We should calm down Naruto. We are not all full strength...

Y/n: Don't worry, me and Sakura are here

Sakura: We will take down anyone that will try and go after you!!

Sakura balls her fist

Inner Sakura: Cha!! You are right Sakura!!

Sasuke gives a smile as he looks towards Y/n, Sakura and Naruto

Sasuke: I guess we should start to get going...

Naruto: Yeah!!

They set out of the cave as they start to stroll through the forest as they try to be as sneaky as possible. Some time passes as they walking through the forest as Y/n realises something at first then Sasuke does a few seconds after him.

Kurama: It seems that someone is following us.

Y/n: It seems that too....

Sasuke then decides to make a decision to stop everyone and give everyone a secret code that should be use just in case someone is not who they say they are

Sasuke: Last time we got tricked by that rain ninja...this time we will set our own trap

Sasuke tells everyone the answer to the question that he had just come up

Sakura: Good thinking Sasuke-Kun!

Y/n: It will be not too easy but not too hard to guess

Naruto on the other hand is just stressing

Naruto: Guys....I don't think I'll be able to answer that question!

Y/n: Why not?

Naruto: It's too long for me! I think I'll just forget it!

Sakura: Just try and remember it Naruto!

Everyone stands up as Naruto looks around from left to right

Naruto: I need to go take a leak!

Naruto runs off as he goes to go and take a leak. Y/n chuckles as he sits next to the tree

Y/n: My brother...

Sasuke: He is so unpredictable...

Sakura: I wonder how you were able to put up with him for all your life Y/n-kun?

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