Chapter 27

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Y/n was sitting down in his mental mindspace as Kurama was in his cage.

Y/n: So you mean to tell me that that guy sealed your power away?

Kurama: Yep. Because of that seal you are unable to use my chakra...

Y/n smiles as he looks at Kurama

Y/n: I'll be fine...hopefully my chakra will be more then enough to get us through to the next part of the chunin exams

Kurama: I can sense that your chakra control might be a bit messed up as well so I would be careful if I was you

Y/n nods

Y/n: Thanks Kurama. I really appreciate it

Kurama: Anything for a friend right?

Y/n and Kurama chuckle as they fist bump. Y/n turns around as Kurama sees someone that recides in Y/n as Y/n reminds him a lot like that person

Kurama: This kid will become special...i just know it

Y/n feels someone shaking him as he slowly openes his eye to see that Naruto is shaking him

Y/n: Is something wrong Naruto?

Naruto: Did I miss anything or were you asleep the whole time like me also!?

Y/n looks at his brother as he puts his hand on his shoulder

Y/n: Just calm down. It might be because of that thing that that snake lady did to you.

Naruto remembers the five-pronged seal as he looks at Y/n

Naruto: You may be right...thanks Y/n!

Y/n looks around and sees that he is in cave. He steps out and sees people that he recognises standing there

Y/n: Sakura...? Sasuke..? Ino..? Shika..? Choji..? What are you guys doing here?

Sakura turns around as she hears Y/n's voice. She starts to weep some tears as she runs towards Y/n and hugs him

Sakura: I-I thought you were dead!!

Y/n: I'm very much alive!

Y/n sees that Sasuke looks a bit weakened. He sees something that he didn't see on Sasuke when they first started the chunin exams

 He sees something that he didn't see on Sasuke when they first started the chunin exams

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Y/n: What did Orochimaru do to you Sasuke....

Ino, Shikamaru and Choji turn around as they see Y/n there. They all immediately notice one thing

Team 10: Y-y....your eye!!!

They all point to Y/n's eye which just had a scar on it

Y/n: got cut in a fight against someone a lot stronger than me....

Y/n turns and looks at Sakura as he realises something about her also

Y/n turns and looks at Sakura as he realises something about her also

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Y/n: You....did something to your hair? Did you cut off the back?

Sakura nods

Sakura: I just thought that maybe I shouldn't have such long hair!

Y/n: It looks good on you...

Y/n's face goes a bit red as Sakura's face does also but then Y/n realises that Sakura's hair does look a lot like Sasuke's hair. Speaking of Sasuke, Ino and Shikamaru are tending to him as he is just constantly vomiting

Y/n: There is something wrong with Sasuke....we might as well try and head out.


Sasuke gets carried by Y/n as they start to make their way towards the tower where they can officially pass the second part of the chunin exams. On their way there they meet a guy called Kabuto who they had met on earlier on in the chunin exams.

Kabuto: If you don't mind me come you got that scar Y/n...?

Y/n: I fought someone but they were a lot stronger and caught me off guard

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Y/n: I fought someone but they were a lot stronger and caught me off time I see them then I will take them down

Kabuto: I see....

They start to walk further into the forest as everything is just quiet.

Y/n: Something feels off....

Y/n looks around as he puts Sasuke down on a tree as he looks to Sakura

Y/n: Sakura-san can you look after Sasuke?

Sakura: S-sure!

Sakura goes over to Sasuke as she starts to tend to him as it is now just Naruto, Kabuto and Y/n. Y/n is on the lookout for anything suspicious until he eventually sees someone creeping around in the background in the trees

Y/n: Bingo...

Y/n preforms the shadow clone Jutsu but is only able to make one single shadow clone. But that's all he needs as the clone makes its way toward the hidden rain ninja and kicks him into the viewpoint of Naruto, Y/n and Kabuto

Y/n: He was the one snooping around.

Naruto spawns a bunch of shadow clones as they all start to beat the rain village ninja blindless until they eventually get a scroll from him

Y/n: It seems you have gotten stronger Naruto.

Naruto smiles

Naruto: Yeah! And that's why I want to try and fight you! So I can prove how much stronger I have got

Y/n smiles

Sasuke: I would like to fight the both of you as well.

Sasuke smiles as he looks at the two of them

Y/n: I hope to fight either one of you!


Team 7 and Kabuto make it to the tower as they split ways with Kabuto to make their way into the tower where they decided to open both the scrolls as Iruka appears from the scrolls

Naruto: What the!? Iruka-sensei! Where did you come from!?

Iruka: I had been waiting for you guys to make it to this part because I knew that you could

Iruka smiles and sees every member of Team 7 and turns to Y/n. He sees that Y/n appearance wise has gotten a lot more different because of the scar he has on his eye

Iruka: They grow up so fast don't they....

Iruka turns to them

Iruka: You guys can open the door to go to the next part of the chunin exams

Y/n opens the door as he sees that the other Genin teams have made it. They turn back and see Team 7 walking towards them

Ino: It seems that they were able to make it..

Hinata: Naruto-kun.....

Hinata goes red as she sees Naruto walking towards someone who looks a lot like Y/n and is actually Y/n.

Kiba: There is no way....thats Y/n!?

Everyone is shocked even the jonin senseis as they see Y/n standing there

Kakashi: What happened in the chunin exams....for Y/n to lose an eye..

Thanks for reading!!

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