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The morning afterwards, Aria woke up to an empty bed. She and Aali had prayed Subh together but as always, she fell asleep first and by the time she woke up again it was a couple of minutes past nine. She and Aali had an unspoken agreement about her not attending work again until she's healthy again.

She can't go with a sprained ankle, bruised neck and a hoarse voice—anyone would be able to tell that she is unwell.

It's not the way Aria wanted it to go, considering she was actually looking forward to being in office again but her plans were ruined and she couldn't do a thing about it.

Pushing the duvet off her, Aria turned around on the bed and placed her legs down. She tried to stand up by herself, since during Subh Aali carried her throughout. The man wouldn't let her do it herself because she apparently can't strain herself more than she already did.

Starting by slow steps, Aria tried to make her way over to the en suite to do her morning business. Her ankle still hurt, but not as much as it did the day before. So, she was able to manage doing everything she wanted to do for the moment.

By the time she was done, she made her way out to get something in her system. To be honest, she is used to Aali disappearing in the morning that she tries to not be curious as much as she did back then when he goes missing.

However, on her way to the kitchen, she saw Salaha standing a couple of feet away from the kitchen entrance looking like she just saw a ghost. The sight had Aria hurrying closer to the girl to see what's wrong, even if in the process she did strain her leg a bit. "Salaha?" She placed her hand on the girl's shoulder softly, snapping the gaze away from whichever trance had her stunned.

Salaha turned around to stare at Aria, eyes slightly widened. "Anty Aya..."

Aria's brows furrowed. "What is wrong? Did something happen"

Salah blew out a shaky breath, blinking as she rose her hand up to wipe the sweat that had formed on her forehead. "It''s the Crown Prince"

If possible, Aria's frown deepened. "What happened to Aali?"

"He..." Salah swallowed thickly. "He was crying"

"What?" Aria asked on impulse. Aali cried? Never in all the weeks she had known him did she once she him shed a tear. "He cried?" What could've happened to him?

Did something happen to the Calipha? Or maybe something happened to Hudayya?

For all she knows, they are the only people he cares about the most in palace. But what could've possibly happened to them? Are they alright now?

What if one of them died? What if it's the Calipha?

The thought had Aria stumbling back slightly. Sure, she has only spoken to the man on a few occasions here and there but never once had been rude to her throughout the way. He had always been caring like a father, like her Abu.

Her throat suddenly felt tight and her eyes glossed over.

No. It can't be.

"Well, he was cutting onions but still"

Aria blinked, her head whipping in the girl's direction as her eyes dilated slightly. "What? She asked. She seemed to be inquiring of that a lot. "What did you just say?" Did she hear the girl right?

Salaha darted her tongue to wet her chapped lip, before she parted it to speak. "I said he was cutting onions but still. Anty Aya, he was really crying"

Aria released a breath she didn't know she was holding, her shoulders slumping in the process. Shaking her head, she swallowed thickly before walking past the girl. She honestly didn't have the energy to deal with her exaggeration. She nearly gave her a heart attack!

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