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Hadewa. The Home of Hospitality.

Hospitality—that was one of the things Aria expected when she arrived in the Caliphate. She came worried to the core and expected that the caliphate and the hospitality in it might help lessen her problems. Did she expect too much? Probably. But a little good news and cordiality shouldn't be too much to ask, right?

But what did she get? A prank orchestrated by her sister and supported by her parents.

Did they even know how worried she was? Do they have any idea the long hours she spent on the flight filled with worry and dread?

All for what? To get her to go to Nigeria and attend her sister's wedding?

For real?

Aria's mouth slackened, as she blinked multiple times—letting the news sink in. All her worries have been for nothing. Shaking her head, her shoulders slumped before she looked away from her sister and stormed out.


Aria ignored her sister and headed to the next room. She didn't care who it belongs to, it's not the members of the family are much. There are enough rooms for them to occupy any. Having one to herself at random won't hurt.

She shut the door before Maya could come in and speak. Quickly turning the key in the lock, she locked up the room shutting out her sister.

She was too hurt by their prank to even try and listen to Maya's excuses, rants, or whatever she wanted to say. That was cheap of them all. They played with her feelings and that hurts, a lot.

After everything they went through, after everything she went through, did they think she would appreciate such jokes or whatever they call it.

Her Abu...even he was in on this.

Releasing a breath through her nose, she headed to the bed and sat, knowing that's the first step to calm her anger. She took in deep breaths, then exhaled completely shutting out Maya's voice at the other side of the door.

She needed to calm down first. She needed to digest the realization that all her worries were for nothing—that they aren't real.

Unconsciously, a couple of tears slid down her face. She reached her hand out and quickly wiped away the tear. She hated how she always tend to cry when she's angry. Why can't she be one of those people who throws tantrums when they're angry or break stuff? Why does she have to belong to the group of people who cry when they are angry?

Clenching her eyes shut, she balled her fists and hung her head low, unable to stop the tears anymore. However, she didn't even bother to do so. It's of no use. If she really wants to calm down enough to face her family, then she needs to let it out.

Only then can she feel better.

So, she did that. She let the tears fall along with the anger which slowly dissipated.


At a point, Maya left Aria's door when she heard faint sobs coming from Aria. That made her mood dampen. She didn't think her small game would make Aria this angry, she really meant no harm in it.

She only asked her parents to comply along with her plan because they all know Aria—she would throw a fit once she learns that Maya flew all the way over to Nigeria to marry a Nigerian.

It wasn't like the girl hates Nigeria. No, she just didn't want anything that will associate her with it. You can say she'll eat her intestines first before falling in love with a Nigerian.

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