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The next day was Sunday. The Calipha made the announcement as he had promised Aria and it's safe to say that the 'old council' as Aria expected were not happy about it. She could tell from the way the maids spoke about it round the palace.

Gossip really does travel fast. And in just a couple of minutes after the announcement, the reaction of almost everyone amongst the group of women was travelling round with toppings. All except one.

The Queen.

As the news was relayed to her, she remained oddly calm. There was no outburst from her, no reaction, nothing. She simply continued the task she was doing before it was relayed to her, painting. She had been painting peacefully in her chambers as she does every once in a while when the announcement was made.

And when her right hand told her about it, she said nothing. She didn't even falter while doing her work. Sure enough, she heard it. But, she didn't react like the others.

Aria, the source of it all was happy to say the least. Since it's Sunday, she decided that she would take the day to herself and enjoy some quality time on the phone with her family. The next day, she would step up and do as she pleased. She would run things the right way.

However, her plans were ruined by Aali who didn't leave as early as he used to. She was kind of getting used to that routine of his, and oddly enough, she was alright with it. That meant they have little interaction except for things he wouldn't stop no matter how much she warns him to.

Stuff like randomly pecking her forehead or calling her with the pet name, Askim. She's a Turk, so she obviously knew what the word meant since it's her mother tongue.

She didn't like it.

It made it seem as though they have some sort of close relationship and she hates it because they are basically strangers living under the same roof. They barely know anything about each other and she didn't plan on knowing anything to be honest. Quite frankly, she wasn't there for that.

The marriage was just the last resort she had. So, not the very best in her view.

"Askim...I want to ask you something" He spoke up, a couple of minutes after he was done reading the Quran.

That has also become a routine of theirs. They would read the Quran together until she decides she's tired and heads to bed. He on the other hand stays till sunrise, before he goes out to greet his father.

Sometimes though, a little more recently, he goes to the mosque to pray with the others so she prays alone and recite the Quran alone. Today, he prayed out too but when he came, he sat and prayed while she on the other hand, worked through some files on her Macbook.

The fact that she has zero leads is getting on her nerves and making her restless. So far, the only person she had ruled into her list of suspects was the Queen, given the bad energy Aria feels rolling off her in waves, figuratively obviously.

Aria looked up for a brief second, before she looked back at her work. "What is it?"

Aali blinked. He didn't know the right way to put it. Definitely not after seeing her whole attention isn't on him but rather her work. He wondered if she will ever tell him about what is she is working on, even though he knows already but he wouldn't let her know, yet. "Would you like to go out with me today?" He kept his earlier thought aside.

"Out?" She asked, still not looking away from her work, "Where exactly?"

"Somewhere" He was expecting more questions from her, as per her being a lawyer and an inquisitive one at that, "You'll know when we get there"

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