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The drive was long; a bit more than Aria would've liked but she didn't complain about it. Instead, she remained in her seat as Aali drove them off to Allah knows where. Throughout the drive, none of them spoke to the other, but there was also nothing awkward about the silence.

Aria felt like she needed the peace after the problems that she just keeps facing in the palace. And Aali thought the same thing, so he didn't push Aria into anything.

Aria didn't know how long it took, but sometime later, Aali pulled up in front of a stunning restaurant. She didn't know what to expect, but she definitely wasn't expecting it to be that fancy. Nonetheless, it didn't bother her because she was dressed up for it anyways.

Before Aali could step out and offer to open the door for her, she was already out. He gave her a look to which she just shrugged. Shaking his head, he knew it's pointless to try to talk to her about it so he just extended his hand out, to which she surprisingly, took; wordlessly.

He then led them inside the restaurant, where a man stood by the door with a book in his hand. After exchanging pleasantries with the man, Aali spoke.

"Reservation for Mr. and Mrs. Aali Bello II"

The man nodded, offering them a grin, "Follow me, Your Highness"

He led them over to a table on the other side of the restaurant which is open. Yet, it is just as stunning as the interior. The only difference is, unlike the inside, there weren't a lot of people there. Aria could only spot about two to three couple there, and each couple's table is far from the other to ensure enough privacy.

The man then showed them their table before he left. Aali pulled out a chair for his wife before she could do so herself, knowing she definitely would if he didn't move fast.

She hid her smile, as she settled on the chair muttering a 'Thank you' for him.

He simply offered her a smile back as he settled back on his chair.

"I have a question for you. It's been on my mind since we arrived" Aria spoke up, making his gaze snap to her.

"What is your question"

"What's your real name?" She asked, her larking tone disappearing.

His brows drew in, lips tugged into a slight frown. "Huh?"

She released a small sigh, "What's your real name?" She repeated. "The Calipha has the same name as your grandfather. Shouldn't you have the same name and be..."

"Bello III" He completed the sentence that she trailed off. Only now that she had explained did he understand what she meant earlier. As the supposed eldest son of the Calipha he should be named Bello too. It's must not be like that but it would've made sense either. Her facial expression made him chuckle slightly. "That's not my name though. My mother named me Aali so..." He offered her a small shrug.

She nodded, "I get it" She moved her gaze from him to the menu that is beside her. Her eyes flickering over the what's written on it.


That had her looking up again, a brow raised at him. Judging from the smile on his face, she has an idea that she wouldn't like what he would say. If there's something she certain of when it comes to him, thenit's that smile of his. There's always something behind it.

It may look innocent and everything else in between, but the man has one complex mind that she really can't tell what's going on in his head.

"—you can name our first son that. I wouldn't mind"

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