Artemis: You sent him on a mission. You had no clue that would happen. You... you didn't know they would capture Tula. Jason was just doing what he thought was right. What you taught him was right.

She put a hand on top ofMason's. Mason moved away from the hand on top of his and glared at Artemis.

Mason: He did what I taught him? Are you kidding! What I taught him! I never taught him to risk put himself in a life threatening position! I never wanted him to get hurt!

He hadn't noticed but as he yelled at his girlfriend he was crying. Mason stood up and stared down at Artemis. The blonde looked up softly.

Artemis: Mason... That's part of being Robin. He knew he had to protect his team mate. Getting beaten so close to death was just a downside. You would have done the same thing if you were in his position. We all know you would have. But Jason died Mason. That wasn't your fault. But the team needs you now.

Mason: No... the Nomad is dead. I'm done. Tell Dick im sorry but... I can't do this. Not again.

He said softly. She watched the broken vigilante pace the room crying. She had never seen Mason so broken; it hurt him to see it. It now made perfect sense why Bruce had called them worried.

Mason: Artemis, I let him die. In my arms. I should have... I should...

He broke off unable to finish his sentence. Artemis stood and engulfed Mason in a hug.

Artemis: It's not your fault. He's gone now. He's at rest.

The blonde said into Mason's shoulder she then placed a kiss on his forehead.

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[ File access granted- Welcome back Batman]
First Name: Mason
Last Name: Wu-San (formerly), Woods
Profile Picture:

[ File access granted- Welcome back Batman]-First Name: MasonLast Name: Wu-San (formerly), WoodsProfile Picture:

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Age: 20
Height: 6'3
Mother: Sandra Wu-San [Location: UNKNOWN]
Father: Alex F. Woods [Status: DECEASED]
Relationship: Artemis Crock
Ethnicity: Chinese
DOB: Dec. 23
Abilities: Genius-level intelligence, master detective, master escapologist, peak human physical condition, master pick-pocket, master martial artist, access to high tech equipment, able to read body language and anticipate opponents' actions
Alias: Nomad

 23 -Abilities: Genius-level intelligence, master detective, master escapologist, peak human physical condition, master pick-pocket, master martial artist, access to high tech equipment, able to read body language and anticipate opponents' actions...

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Status: [RETIRED]
Equipment: Utility Belt, Batarangs, Pocket Tools, Hacking Tools, Freeze Grenades, Batclaw, and Collapsible BōStaff
Background: After stopping Vandal Savage with his team Mason proved that him and his team were prepared for anything. As time passed I soon realized he was ready to join the League. I also watch him and his brother Dick grow to be their own heroes, while I took in their younger brother Jason Todd, a little rough around the edges but sooner I made him into a better Robin. Until tragedy struck and Jason was killed during a mission saving one of his teammates, Mason and Dick blamed themselves for underestimating the mission, but Mason took it harder then anyone. He resigned from the League and retire to have a normal life with Artemis in Paulo Alto. On that day I lost two sons... when the time is he right he'll come back. I know he will.


[Closing  file]

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