Chapter 35

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I woke up this morning with lots of energy.

I'm changing into fresh clothes after a nice warm shower.

"Baby, why are you up so early?" Ares says knocking on the door lightly.

"I'll tell you in a bit" I say smiling.

I get out of the bathroom smiling as well.

"What's got you all happy this morning?" Ares asks putting on a grey t-shirt

"I'm getting a car" I say grabbing my phone, keys, and purse.

"What?" Ares says walking behind me as I walk down stairs.

"I'm getting a car" I turn to him.


"I'm buying it. My money, obviously" I say walking to the door.

I yelp as Ares pulls me back to him.

"No kiss?"

I giggle.

"Let me take you" Ares says looking between my lips and eyes.

"Okay" I whisper.

I give him a quick peck on the lips before walking toward the door. Ares quickly grabs his things before getting into the car with me.

We talk about everything on our way to the car dealership.

Ares talks to the dealer before they come to an agreement. I choose a light grey BMW.

Ares signs some paper work and were off home.

I drive in my car and Ares in his.

I can't believe I finally have my own car!!

I got my drivers permit when I turned 16. My parents didn't let me drive their cars so I walked.

I got my license right before the school year began. Again, never had a car so I walked.

Until now.

I get to drive to places. Yes, I'll still walk from time to time but if I need to be somewhere fast I'll use my car.

I let out a sigh happiness as I park my car in the drive way.

"Happy happy with your car?" Ares says getting into the passengers seat.

"Very" I smile at him.

"Glad you like my love." He places a kiss on my head before getting out once again.

I sit there for a few minutes before getting out as well.

"Ares?" I say walking into his room and placing my things on the night stand.

"Yes mi vida?" He says laying on the bed. I walk over to sit next to him.

"Can we...-" I pause. Should I ask him? What if he doesn't want to and I just make myself look stupid? What if he-

"Amor, don't overthink it. Just say it" He says sitting up and playing with my hair.

"Can we get our own place?" I say quietly.

"Sure love. We'll just have to talk to my parents about it first so they don't think we got kidnapped or something." He says jokingly.

I let out a small laugh.

"We can talk to them together, okay?" Ares says pulling me to lay with him.

"Okay" I smile.


I's been a few days.

Ares and I talked to his parents. They agreed to the idea and offered to help us look for a place.

We ended up finding a nice little house with two bathrooms, three rooms, a large living room and kitchen. It also has a back yard where the dogs can play.

Ares wanted to pay all of the money to the landlord himself but I ended pitching in too. Ares was skeptical on it but I wanted to help, and I did.

We moved in two or three days ago. We're managing to care for the house ourselves. Ares has a morning job and I stay home to care for it. Ares doesn't want me to work.

We do all of our school work before going to bed.

We take our daily walks with the dogs.

We also watch a movie or two while eating dinner.

Ares hates when I pay for things with my money and not his own. Every time.

Right now we're on a walk with the two dogs at a park near by our house.

Mimi has learned many tricks already. She knows sit, stay, lay down, play dead, dance, and high five.

Peace watches over her and keeps her from making trouble.

"So what are making for dinner today?" I ask placing a bowl of water for Mimi and Peace. Ares and I take a seat on a wooden bench.

"I was thinking of pesto pasta, what do you have in mind?" Ares says placing his arm around my waist.

"A pasta. Wasn't sure which one though" I say laying on his shoulder.

"Then pasta it is" He says pecking my cheek.

We stay at the park a bit longer, playing with the dogs and talking.

Soon it gets dark and we make our way home.

Once home the dogs go to their beds, waiting for one of use to feed them.

Ares gives them food while I gather the things to make dinner.

You would think that as a young couple we argue a lot or fight over stupid stuff, we're quite the opposite. We communicate to one another whenever we feel bothered by something. When we feel like one is getting distance, we don't spend much time together, or anything really.

As Ares finishes feeding the dogs, he puts on some music. I hum softly to the music.

As I cut the vegetables, Ares gets the pasta ready.

We both finish around the same time.

After an hour or two of cooking we finally sit down to eat.

The dogs peacefully sleep while we eat.

After eating we got up to our room. Ares watches the game while I do some extra credit work.

We go to sleep at around 10:20-25.

I change into some black shorts and one of Ares' shirts before laying down next to him.

"I love you Ezra" Ares says covering the both of us.

"I love you too, Ares" I say placing a kiss on his lips.

It's short but filled with love.

We fall asleep right after.

A/N: Hey guys! So very sorry for not updating. If I'm being completely honest I forgot about you all. But I've also been really focused on school. Band contest is coming up and I practice a lot. So I have a reason to why I haven't updated.

It's kind of a short chapter today. I hope you like it though. Don't hate me for the next one that's coming. I promise no one dies. We'll kinda. Anyways, I have to go to bed. I'll try to update tomorrow but I get out later so I probably won't.

I love you all and stay safe!! <3

Words 1103

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