chapter 1

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~Ezra Hernandez~

It's been over a month since school started and like every other year I have no one to talk to. Doesn't really matter what I do, I just seem unnoticed by everyone. I don't exist to anyone. Not even my parents. Sometimes I think I'm a ghost or something.

Another morning getting ready to go to school. I never really cared what I wear to school. It's not like anyone would care anyway. I decided to wear a forest green sweater that was a little lose on me, with some black ripped skinny jeans, and some black vans. I put my hair up in a messy bun. I slipped my backpack on and headed downstairs.

There my mom is making breakfast, my dad was reading an article, and my sister eating her breakfast. We go to the same school as me but I'm a grade lower than her. She is my parents favorite. They have always chosen her for everything, she is their "perfect angel". They don't know what she really does when their not around.

I make my way to the kitchen and make myself an omelet. As I'm about to grab a glass cup mother grabs my wrist and speaks to me.

"What are you doing?" She says with slight anger laced in her voice

"Grabbing a glass" I say in a whisper. She slightly tightens her hand around my wrist.

"You will wash all the dishes that you and everyone else used and you won't complain about it. Understand?"

"Yes mother."

My parents only speak to me when they are scolding me for anything that bothers them. Even if it's the smallest thing possible. They are always looking for a way to make me feel bad for something I shouldn't be feeling bad for.


I finish eating, wash the dishes I dirtied and head towards the door. I don't have a car so I have to walk and knowing my family, they won't give me a ride to school even if I ask. They might even ignore me if I ask, I like walking though. Helps me think or clear my head.

There's this dog that always walks me to school. He's very sweet. I have no idea why or how he started walking with me to school but he did and now we're best friends. I don't speak to him most of the time but we understand each other. I've never seen him go home so I assumed he didn't have a home and named him. I had to get to know him. I ended up naming him Peace. He likes silence like me, we enjoy each other's company in peace, no interruptions, he doesn't like noise unless it's me rambling about random stuff but even when I talk to him I only talk in a whisper.

I soon arrived at school. Me and Peace part ways but not before saying our goodbyes and see you later. People around me looked at me weird as I said goodbye Peace. They will never understand. All they ever do is focus on their phones and ignore the life that they have outside.

As I walk into the building the halls aren't as full as usual. Something must have happened but don't really care. I walk to my locker and get all the things I need for my first class. Which is mainly my notebook and a pencil. I head to my reading class which is my first period. Everyone was surprisingly in their seats. There was a lot of chatter since we could sit anywhere we wanted but they were all in a seat. The teacher walks in a few minutes later after I find my seat.

"Good morning class, I hope you are ready for today's project. The project will have to be done with a partner" she looked at me when she said the partner thing. "you can choose who you want to be your partner but you must do your work or you won't be able to work with the person of your choice. Get your partner and then I'll talk to you about the project. Also we will be having a new student in a few minutes or so."

Everyone went to their friends or best friends to do their project but no one paid attention to me. I didn't mind though I like being invisible to others. When everyone settled down, someone called the teacher to the hall. I'm guessing it's the principle with the new student. The class had gone from whispering to one another to talking to someone across the room. Shortly after the teacher walks in with a guy walking close by her.

"Okay students settle down." Everyone sat down and stopped talking once they saw the new guy. "I want to present you all to Ares. He is the student I talked to all of you not to long ago. He has moved all the way from Arizona, I expect every single one of you to treat him with kindness and respect." One of the girls had whispered something something to her friends, probably about the Ares guy.

Ares had been looking all around the class. When he saw me he stared a little until the teacher spoke. "Ares in this class you can sit anywhere as long as you do what you are supposed to do, you may go ahead and take a seat." Many people had tried to get him to sit with them, them mainly being girls that already liked him, but he ignored them.

Ares had ignored every person that had offered him a seat next to them. He kept walking until he finally reached the seat next to me which was obviously empty. "Can I sit here?" Holy smoke. He had the deepest voice only someone would imagine. "I-uh-um-sure" I stuttered while whispering. Not only did I look like a freak but I think the whole class heard me. "Thanks" and with that we didn't speak for the rest of the period.

A/N : First chapter of my first book may be boring at first but it's mainly because I'm just writing for fun and really don't feel like making this book a big deal. I write for fun. I have so many ideas on what to write about but I don't know if anyone will like it and I never know how to write it out. There might be mistakes as well and I'm sorry if they bother you.

Hope you enjoyed! Tell me you thoughts on it so far!

1087 words

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