Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of the shower. I look over to where Ezra had been sleep and she wasn't there. 

I enjoyed the time we had yesterday. 

Shopping and at home. 

I haven't seen my parents in a while, which reminds me I have to tell Ezra the good news. 

I hear the shower turn off. 

I get up from bed to get my change of clothes. I grab a grey t-shirt, black jeans, and put my smoke grey jordan 1's to the side so I can just grab them and put them on. 

Ezra walks out of the bathroom wearing the stuff I got her yesterday. 

She wore the long sleeve shirt with the v-neck line, her beige baggy jeans, and some rings.

"Morning" She says drying her hair with the towel. 

"Morning amor" I say giving her a small smile before walking into the bathroom. 

I brush my teeth before getting in the shower and changing into my outfit. 

I walk out of the bathroom drying my hair with the towel. I see Ezra sitting at my desk reading another book. 

I walk over to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek 

"We should get going love"

"Okay, let me just get my things" she says standing up. 

I get my stuff as well. Once I gather all my things I put on my shoes and go downstairs to make something to eat. 

When I'm done cooking breakfast, Ezra come down stairs with her things. 

"Smells good, what did you make?" She says walking over to see.

"Some eggs white a side of bacon and pancakes. Then you can choose what you want to drink." I say serving the food.

I walk over to the fridge looking for something to drink. I get orange juice.

"What do you want to drink?" I say turning to look at her.

"Uhm whatever your getting is fine."

I grab two cups and serve the orange juice. I didn't know how much she wanted so I served her lower then half the cup.

I place it next to her plate and we start eating. By the time we are both done it's 7:33.

My parents both came down stairs.

"Morning kids" dad says.

"Morning" me and Ezra say at the same time.

"Ares why weren't you at school yesterday? I recived many calls saying you didn't go to any of your classes. What's going on?" My mom says crossing her arms and looking at me.

"Ezra wasn't feeling well and I didn't want her to be alone so we both didn't go to our classes." I say plainly.

My parents know that's not the whole story and that it's a lie. But they also know I have a good reason for it.

"You two better be going to school today though." She says looking at both ne and Ezra.

"We are." I say looking at Ezra.

"We better get going if we don't want to be late. It was nice seeing you guys." Pulling my mom into a hug.

"You two Ezra. Ares be careful and drive safe." Mom says pulling away from the hug Ezra gave her and pulling me into a hug.

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