chapter 4

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I hadn't expected to make a friend so quickly. Especially a friend that's a girl. I mean don't get me wrong I'm okay with it but people get the wrong idea when they see a pair of friends of the opposite gender.

I really hope that doesn't happen, for Ezra's sake. She doesn't like attention only if it's necessary. Which to her is never.

I had asked her for her number since I wanted to talk to her more.

When I got home, I was greeted with the smell of alcohol and yelling from the living room. Dad was just listening to whatever Mom was yelling at him for.

I slam the front door so my presence is known. I don't think either of them heard the door open or they would've stopped arguing.

I walk passed the living room and straight to the stairs to my room. The tension between my parents was very thick and I didn't want to be a part of it.

I did my homework quickly since I understood everything we were doing. Once I'm done I text Ezra.



"Hi? Who are you and why did you text me?"

"It's me, Ares"

"Oh hi, srry I had completely forgotten that I gave you my number."

"It's okay"

"So whatsup why'd you txt me?"

"What? I can't just txt my friend?"

"Ofc you can! I didn't mean it that way!"

"I'm kidding- not that I need anything ofc!"

"Ik what you mean it's alright. So wyd?"

"Nothing just hanging out in my room, hby?"

"Making a snack for me and Peace"

"Why did you name him peace?"

"Cause he likes the peace and quiet. Do you have any pets?"

"Not anymore, I want another pet so I have some company."

"What kind of pet do you want?"

"A cat, dog, or a bird"

"How about all three?"

"My Mom doesn't want any pets. That's the main reason we don't have a pet"

"Oh, well I gtg. I'll txt you later. It was nice talking to you. Bye!"

"Okay, bye 👋"


I tune off my phone and just lay in bed thinking about the events that happened today. It all seemed like a dream that I never wanted to wake up from. I mean yeah I've had friends in the passed but I never really thought of having a girl as a friend.

I don't know how I should act around her. Should I be myself? Nicer? What the heck am I thinking?

I have to just be self. She seemed to like me being myself. Then again I think she was just happy to have a friend. I don't know. I've never been the kind of guy to talk to new people, but she was different in a way. I went to sleep an hour later.

Skater boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora