Chapter 9

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I can't belive what happen yesterday. I'm Ares's girlfriend now! It seems so unreal to me.

After Ares dropped me off home yesterday I went to my room and went to sleep replaying the wonderful events that happen.

Mom, dad, and Lilly weren't home last night probably all out partying with their friends.

I woke up the next morning feeling happier then I have in a long time.

I go to my bathroom, take a shower, and do everything I need to. I go to my room to pick out an outfit.

I decided on a black top that came with a matching jacket with it, some light blue baggy pants, and my black air forces.

For jewelry I put on a new pair of gold earrings that where in the shape of small hoops with diamends , my necklace that had my letter, and some rings.

If you couldn't tell already I love gold jewelry. Especially rings, hoop earrings, and things with my letter on it. Well most things.

I was getting ready to go to the library. Peace couldn't go inside with me but he could stay outside. He would stay outside mainly to go see his friends and other dogs.

I look for all the books I checked out last to return them. I always return my books on time or before.

I grab my phone, my charger, the books, my ear buds, a notebook, chapstick, and my sketch book.

I go downstairs and out the door. I walk to the library that wasn't really that far.

It was kind of close to Ares's house but far at the same time.

I return the books at the front desk. I walk between the shelves looking for a good book or a book that caches my attention. I find one and go to my little spot.

Once I'm there I sit, put in my ear buds, and read.

Listening to music while reading helps me a lot. It helps me learn to focus on one thing even of everything else is chaos.

I finished the whole book in a few hours. I put the book back and get other's to check out from the same category.

I get two new books, while taking them to my seat I accidently bumped into someone. It was partly my fault because I was reading the back of the book when I should have been watching where I was going.

I said sorry and he said it was okay even though I know it wasn't. I let it go though.

Once I'm seated I start drawing. I let my mind wonder everywhere around the library. I ended up drawing a girl seated between bookshelves reading book after book.

I get done with the drawing. Pulling out my notebook I received a message from Ares, asking what I was doing and how I was doing. We talk for a little bit before he has to go.

I open to the next free page in my notebook, writing everything I need to buy at the store tomorrow. It was a lot of stuff since mom hasn't had time to go shopping for food.

I leave the library with Peace next to me and go to the store.


I'm now home and putting all the groceries were they go. 

Once I'm done doing that I go to my room to read a little. Peace was on my bed sleeping at the foot of my bed. I read two or three chapters till my head started hurting.

I place my bookmark where I last stopped reading, close the book, and get up to the bathroom.

I get to the bathroom, wash my face, look at myself in the mirror for a lot longer than I thought, and look down as I close my eyes.

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