Chapter 34

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I walk up to crying.

I sit up and see the puppy whining, trying to get on the bed.

Peace on the other hand was laying comfortably next to Ezra.

I let out a quiet laugh before picking up the puppy and placing her on the bed.

I lay back down.

The puppy goes and lays next to me.

I smile and pet her small head before falling asleep again.

A few hours pass. Ezra is in the bathroom showering and I'm in the room playing with the two dogs till she comes out of the bathroom.

She comes out of the bathroom wearing a baby blue long sleeve floral flounce that reaches the top of her belly button, with some medium blue ripped jeans, and gold jewelry.

I give her a kiss on the cheek as I grab my thing and walk in to the bathroom.

I do what I have to and go back into the room.

Ezra is on my bed playing with the puppy, Peace just watches.

Ezra tries handing him the toy but Peace doesn't grab it.

She grabs it once again and continues playing with the puppy.

"We should give her a name" I say sitting next to Ezra.

"Yeah, I was thinking Coco maybe Mimi" She turns to me.

"I like both" I smile.

"What if she names herself? Like we put a piece of paper in front of her and which ever she goes to is her name" Ezra says petting the puppy.

"Sure, let's do that" I get up from the bed to my desk.

I write the two names on two pieces of paper then place them on the ground.

Ezra places the puppy in front of the two papers while I sit down behind them.

The puppy doesn't walk to me right away but when she does she she walks over to the name Mimi.

I grab her and hold her in the air.

"Mimi" I say out loud.

I put her down on the ground before she runs to Ezra.

"Mimi!" Ezra says playing with her.

After an hour or two Ezra and I go out to eat.

We have a good time. We go to the mall after.

She gets some stuff. I don't get anything even though she insisted on it.

We are in the car listening to music and on our way home.

Ezra sings her heart out until we get home.

I open the door for her as usual, she get's out.

We walk inside and we hear barking. Peace is barking.

Ezra turns to me before going up the stairs quickly.

Peace never barks inside and rarely does outside.

I follow Ezra close behind.

We get into the room to Peace and Mimi playing.

Ezra laughs.

I roll my eyes.

"You guys scared us" Ezra kneels down to pet both of them.

I sit down next to her.

For the next half hour we play with the two dogs and talk.

Mimi ends up walking to her and Peace's bed. Peace follows close behind her.

Peace curls up next to her, Mimi snuggles close to him.

I smile to myself before giving Ezra a soft kiss on the head.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure" she nods.

I put on a movie. Ezra and I cuddle till the end of the movie.


"I'm gonna go get something" Ezra says getting up.


She leave the room.

A few minutes later she comes back with candy in her hands.

I laugh.

"Let's watch another movie while we eat these" Ezra says setting all of the candy on my bed and sitting next to me once again.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask looking for a movie.

"Can we watch a Disney movie?" She asks.

"Of course love but which one?"

"Brother Bear?" She turns to me.

I smile at her and put on the movie.

An hour or two later the dogs wake up.

Peace sits by the door.

"Peace wants to go on a walk" Ezra says sitting up.

"Then that's what we'll do" I get up.

I walk over to my closet and pull out two leashes and a pastel pink collar.

I put the collar and leash on Mimi, Ezra does the same on Peace.

I grab my keys and phone.

Ezra take the two dogs down stairs.

I get down and see them waiting at the door.

I grab Mimi's leash.

We get out of the house and start walking.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Not sure, Peace always leads the way" Ezra shrugs.

We talk for a while before Peace stops walking and sits.

I look around.

"A park?" I ask looking at Ezra.

She smiles.

"This is the park Peace and I met" She says walking again.

I follow her.

We walk around for a while more before we finally decide to go home.

Once we get home the dogs go back to sleep.

Ezra and I change into some comfortable clothes to sleep in.

We lay in bed, whispering to one another before Ezra falls asleep.

A/N: Hey guys sorry for not updating but if I'm being completely honest I don't know what to write for this book anymore. I'll probably end this book on chapter 40. There might be an accident on 36. I'm not completely sure yet. kind of a short chapter. I had a writers block in the middle of this chapter. Anyway, I hope you all have, had, or are having an amazing day. I love you all and stay safe! <3

Words 938

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