Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning feeling better the yesterday.

Ares was fast asleep. I sat up looking around. I knew where I was of course but I wanted to look around in detail.

I got out from under the covers and walked around his room. He had so many books. One or two painting were hanging around his room. He had a desk that was very well organized, unlike mine.

I walk over to the shelf full of books. I graze my finger on the spin of the books. Reading some of the titles of the books I find one that catches my eye. I stand reading the first chapter once I'm about to start reading the second chapter I take a seat on Ares' desk.


I read half way through the book. As I'm about to read the next chapter I feel two arms wrap around me just above my chest. He then places his head at the crook of my neck.

"Morning love" he mumbles into my neck


"How long have you been awake for?"

"Not long"

"Probably longer than you thought cause by the looks of it you're almost done with that book"

"No I'm just reading really fast"

"Mm okay."

He pulls away and goes into his bathroom. he comes back a few minutes later with an extra toothbrush in he hand.  

"Here you go amor"


I place one of his pen he had on his desk to mark the last page I was on. I go to his bathroom, brush my teeth, and wash my face. To brush my hair I just use my fingers and put it up in a low messy bun. 

I walk out to see Ares on the bed scrolling on his phone. He looks up at me once he hears the door close. He gives me a small smile, and I do the same. 

I walk back to his desk to continue reading.  


A few hours pass by. I finished the book in an hour.  It's now 12:04 pm. 

We didn't eat breakfast mainly because we woke up late.

Me and Ares are now getting ready to go get something to eat. 

As I'm gather my things Ares in bathroom showering and changing. 

"Baby do you wanna go buy some clothes for you to keep here?"

"No that's okay, I don't want you to have to spend anything on me"

"Amor, I'll spend however much money just to see you happy and comfortable"

"I'm happy without money. I'm fine, really"

"We're gonna go shopping to get you some clothes. Whether you like it or not love we're gonna go." 

"Ares, I-" I say trying to protest but Ares cuts me off.

"We're going, so don't argue" He says getting his phone, keys, and wallet.

"Okay" was all I said. 

We go into the car and went to a Mexican restaurant that was close to the mall. 

I ordered some tacos de lengua ( tongue tacos) and Ares got some chile relleno (stuffed pepper). 

We laughed and talked until we were both done eating. 

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