Chapter 32

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(This chapter will alternate between Ares and Ezra)


We are headed to Ezra's house for the 'Christmas party' as Ezra calls it.

I feel bad for not getting her parents or sister any gifts. I mean, I am going to their house without anything.

Well I bring their daughter.

"Come on" Ezra says getting out of the car.

Since when do I let her get out by herself?

I walk next to Ez.

"When did we agree to you opening your own door?" I say as we reach the front door.

"We didn't but it's okay. This is the first and last time it'll happen" she knocks on the door.

"Okay" the door opens.

"Ezra hi!" Lilly says pulling Ezra into a hug.

"Hi Ares" she says pulling away from Ezra and looking at me.

"Hey" I wave at her.

"Come in" Lilly moves to the side and opens the door a bit more.

There were only a few people in the house.

Two of Ezra's cousins, her parents, sister, and her sister's boyfriend.

We go up to everyone and say hello.

"Hi ma, hi pa" she says pulling her mom into a hug.

"This is Ares, you've met him before" she says turning to me.

"Hi Ares" her mother pulls me into a hug.

"Ares" her father takes his hand out for me to shake it I do.

"Nice to meet you both Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez" I say looking at both.

"Excuse us" Ezra smiles at her mom. She grabs my hand and leads me away from them.

She sighs as we take a seat on the couch.

Lilly and Roger sit across from us and we talk about all kinds of things.


"Hows the pregnancy going?" I smile at my sister.

"Morning sickness is absolutely horrible, the cravings are weird, and I'm tired all the time" I laugh.

"I mean the feeling that your going to be a mom."

"Ohh, well it's actually really nice. I'm just nervous about everything."

"You'll be an amazing mom" she give me a soft smile.

"Thank you Ez."

"Of course. I'll be right back though, I'm going to get a drink" I say standing up.

"Hey you okay?" Ares says seeing me stand up.

"Yeah, just going to get a drink. Don't worry" I say with a smile.


I walk into the kitchen and grab a water from the fridge.

As I pass the front door there's a knock.

Who could that be? Aren't we all here?

I open the door.

No way...


Ezra taking too long.

No, stop being paranoid.

Skater boyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ