Chapter 29

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♡ Ezra ♡

I wake up to the sunlight shining into my room onto my face.

I go into the bathroom, do what I have to do, go back out, find some fresh clothes, and get into the shower.

Getting out of the bathroom, Peace is laying on my bed waiting for me to feel him.

I smile at him.

"Come on" I wave him over to his bowl. I place two full cups of food. He eats it happily.

I grab my phone, keys, airpods , purse, and Peace's leash.

I go downstairs to make myself some breakfast.

"Good morning ma" I say walking to the fridge.

"Good morning."

Weird. She usually just ignore me.

I grab some cream cheese. Then walk over to the cabinet and grab the beagles.

I put the beagles into the toaster and scroll through tiktok while I wait.

Grabbing a plate mama says something that's REALLY weird.

"Let me do it" She says taking my plate from my hand and preparing my breakfast.

Wow. Who is this women and where is my mother?

I take a seat on the island and wait for my food. A few minutes later mom finishes making my food and hands me my plate.

I thank her and start eating.

Peace comes down the stairs and sits next to me waiting for me to drop a piece or two.

My dad walks down the stairs. Mom makes him his coffee and places the newspaper next to it.

No sure why my dad still reads the newspaper when we have a TV where he can watch the news.

"Morning Ezra, morning Peace" my dad says patting Peace on the head.

What the heck?

My dad hates Peace near him when he's about to eat.

What is happening with my parents??

I finish eating while dad is still eating.

"I'm headed out. I'll be back later, bye guys" I say send them a small wave.

"Bye, be safe" mom tells me as I'm walking out of the kitchen.

I hear my dad say a bye and I leave out the door.


I open the door again.

"Peace come here!" I yell opening the door when I see Peace running toward the door.

I let out a small laugh.

I put the leash on Peace before walking again.

I put one of my airpods in to listen to music.

I hum lightly to the song playing.

Peace walks happily next to me. He looks up at me every once in a while.

I've gotta go Christmas shopping!

I'll go to the mall after Peace's walk.

After about an hour of two at the park, I take Peace back to the house, and start walking to the mall.

I don't have a car, so I walk everywhere. As much as I love walking, I want to get a car soon. You never know what might happen when your walking.

About 15 minutes pass and i arrive at the mall.

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