Chapter 10

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(Talk about physical abuse)

I wasn't my usual self yesterday when I was with Ezra. I think she noticed but didn't say anything about it.

My mom had brought beer to celebrate. I have no idea for what.

Well my parents both ended up drunk and were arguing almost the whole day.

I didn't lie to Ezra but I didn't tell her a part of my day.

I'm walking to Ezra's house right now since she wanted to hang out.

I'm a few houses down away from Ezra's home when I see Peace sleeping on the grass in the front yard.

I tried not to wake him up but he ended up waking up when I was about to knock on the door.

I petted Peace while waiting for someone to open the door.

I hear the door open but it wasn't Ezra who opened the door. It was an older women, around her 30's, she looked a little like Ezra but she looked nothing like her at the same time.

"Hello? Who are you? What do you want?" She said looking at me up and down like she was trying to figure me out.

I clear my throat. "I'm here to see Ezra, ma'am" I said looking straight at her.

"Ezra!!" Was all the women yelled waiting for a response.

"What!?" Was all you could hear coming from upstairs.

"Come down here!" And then silence. A very awkward silence.

Ezra soon came into view from behind the women. Her face instantly lit up when she saw.

"Ares!" She says moving the older women aside and jumping in to my arms.

"Hey baby"

She let's go and looks behind her.

"Tía (aunt), this is Ares, Ares this is my tía Lupita." She turned to each of us when presenting one another.

"So your the boy my niece can't stop talking about?" Miss. Lupita says crossing her arms and smiling at me.

"I guess I am" I return the smile.

"Come in, we are cooking lunch right now. You can go take a seat anywhere you would like."

We all walk inside. Ezra and her tía walk into the kitchen as I walk into the living room.

There I see a bunch of little kids around five, six, or seen years old. When they saw me they stopped whatever they were doing and walked over to me.

There were 3 girls and 4 boys.

"Hi there, I'm Ares" I saw waking and looking down to them.

The oldest boy that looked to be seven spoke back to me.

"I'm Alex,"

He interdused all of the kids, the boys first.

There was Alex, Oliver and Diego who looked like he was six, and Alen who I think was five.

The girls were next.

The oldest of the girls was Ivy she was seven, Valentina (val for short) who was five, and Rosa who looked like she was four.

"We are the little kids, the bigger kids are outside talking and doing whatever it is they do"

"Gracias (thank you), it's nice to meet all of you. If you guys don't mind I'll stay in here for a while."

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