Chapter 31

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(Esme and Haru going to Ares' house is on their book not this one)


Two days until Christmas!!!

I'm so excited!!

After what happen a few days ago Ares hasn't wanted to talk about, so we just avoid the topic.

I hum cheerfully as I walk down stairs.

"Good morning mi flor (my flower)" he places a kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning" I smile up at him.

"What's got you all cheerful?"

"So I can't just be cheerful?" I say smiling and crossing my arms.

"Y'know what I mean" he says looking into my eyes caressing my cheek softly.

I lean into his touch.

"Te amo mi vida"

"I love you too" I give him a peck on the lips.

"I have gifts at home that I want to bring here" I say holding Ares's hand as he leads me into the kitchen.

"Okay, but I thought we were going to spend Christmas together?" He sits me down and hands me some food.

A bowl of fruit a grill cheese.

"Thank you. We are going to spend it together but I just want to bring my for you guys here" I say taking some cantaloupe into my mouth.

"Makes sense." He nods. "Wait you said you guys? As in my family and I?"

"Mhmm" I nod.

"I didn't get your family anything" he frowns.

"It's okay, their picky anyway" I shrug, taking a bite of my grill cheese.

"Still, I feel guilty." He says taking a bite of his grill cheese.

(I really want a grill cheese rn lol)

After a few minutes of eating, we finish.

"I'll be back later" I give Ares a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go with you" he says getting his keys and wallet.

"Why do you need your wallet?" I say walking to the door. Ares close behind me.

"You never know what might happen" he says locking and closing the door.

"Okay" I wait for Ares to open my door.

I get in and so does he.

I still can't believe that Ares and I have been together for almost 8 months (Idk!!)

I never would have thought that I would be with someone this year. Well with anyone through out high school really.

"What are you thinking about?" Ares says grabbing my hand.

"Nothing, just how much has happened since I met you." I turn to him.

"Is that a good thing or...?"

"It's a very good thing" I softly laugh.

"Okay " he smiles.

We get to my house a couple of minutes later.

I go inside and up to my room. I had wrapped all the gifts a few days ago.

Before I go out I place my parent's, sister's, and my sister's boyfriends gift under the tree.

I hope they like their gifts.

I take everything else out into Ares's car.

I get back into the car and go back to Ares's house.


It's dark out now.

Sandra and I are making dinner, Ares and Jose are in the living room watching football. I think. I honestly don't know what their doing but their watching TV.

I set up the table and serve the food since Sandra was getting tired. She took a seat with her husband and son.

Ares told me earlier that his parents want the gender of the baby to be a surprise so none of them know what it is.

I think it's a girl if I'm being honest.

Sandra told me while we were cooking that she has symptoms that she never had with Ares. That's why I think it's a girl. I could be wrong.

"Dinners ready" I say as I stand next to the couch were the family of three so to be four are sitting.

"Thank you dear" Sandra says walking over to the table.

Jose holds on to her, helping her take a seat.

I smile.

"Thank you mi vida" he places a kiss on my forehead.

I walk next to Ares to the table. He pulls out the chair for me and pushes it back in for me before taking a seat himself.

We all talk to one another, laugh, and eat.

After a very fun dinner with Ares and his family, his parents go to bed.

I get out of the bathroom with my pj's. Ares is laying in bed scrolling on his phone.

I lay down next to him.


"Hmm" he turns of his phone.

"I'm going to spend the day with my family tomorrow." I say looking up at him.

"Okay can I go with you?" He combs his fingers through my hair.

"I'll have to ask but if they say no you can still come" I shrug.

He chuckles.

"It's gonna be like a Christmas party. We open presents at 12:00 am on Christmas eve. Then we all go home." i say drawing small circles on his chest.

"Mk. I like that idea. "

I hum in response.

"Let's just go tomorrow yeah, don't ask your parents. We both know their gonna say no" he says pulling me closer to him.

"Okay" I whisper, becoming tired.

"Goodnight baby" He kisses my cheek.

"Goodnight" I close my eyes and fall into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: Heyy I know I said I was gonna update yesterday but I forgot. Short chapter today. Sorry for any grammar mistakes. I have to write the one for tomorrow right after I publish this one so I can just publish it tomorrow. I'm really excited for Christmas this year for some reason. I don't get it. Oh well. Anyway, I hope you had, have, or are having an amazing day! I love you all and stay safe!! <3

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