Chapter 12

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I was so excited to tell Ezra the news that my parents told me yesterday.  My parents wanted it to seem like it was something bad because they wanted to tell me in person. 

I tried calling Ezra multiple time last night but she didn't answer. She must have been busy. Plus I thought it would be better for me to tell her in person. 

I getting ready for school, I just got out of the shower and am now changing into my outfit. 

I'm wearing  grey sweatpants, a white t-shirt, and my white air forces. 

I wanted to wear my chain but then went against it so I can wear it tomorrow. 

As I'm going down the stairs, the smell of pancakes, egg, and bacon hit me. Making me hungrier than before. 

Once I'm down the stairs I go to the island and sit down waiting for my food. 

"Goodmorning sweetie" My mom says with a bright smile as she is serving the food for me and dad.

"Goodmorning mama" I say returning the smile. 

"Have you told Ezra yet?"

"No not yet, I want to tell her in person."

"Yeah that would be better." There was a small silence until dad makes it into the kitchen. 

"Morning son, morning honey" Dad says hugging mom from behind and giving her a kiss on the check. 

"Morning dad" I say in return

"Goodmorning, your food is almost ready got take a seat." Mom says with  a smile. 

I haven't seen mom and dad this happy in a while. 

"Ares have you told Ezra yet?"

"No not yet, I'm gonna tell her in person."

"Okay, don't forget to tell both news"

I smile "Don't worry I won't forget."

"Okay, hurry up and eat so you can go pick up Ezra for school."

As soon as he says that I eat a little fast. 

"Okay I'll see you guys later, bye" I say giving mama a kiss on the check  and hug both my parents.

I decided on taking my car since I have showed or taken her on my motorcycle and don't want her to be afraid.

I get in my car and drive over to Ezra's house. 

As I'm parking in front of her house, I see Ezra on the steps of her house looking down. 

She wasn't wearing her usual colors or clothes. She was wearing a black long sleeve, with grey sweats, and her black air forces. Her hair was down making her look so beautiful. She wasn't wearing any jewelry except for three or four rings and her earrings. Her not wearing her E necklace was weird. 

I don't think she heard me pull up because she was still looking down, even after I turned off my car. I walked over to her to snap her out of her daze. 

I stood in front of her but she seemed to lost in thought she didn't see me. i crouched done in front of her, I placed my index finger under her chin and lifted her head up gently to look up at me. 

"Love are you okay?"

"Huh- oh yeah, I'm  okay. Sorry I zoned out." She says shaking her head a little. 

I  was gonna lean in to give her a kiss but as I'm about to I see her bottom lip was slightly busted. 

"What happen to your lip amor?" I ask slightly creasing her bottom lip and looking into her eyes waiting for her to make eye contact.

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