𝒜 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝒜𝒷𝓁𝒶𝓏𝑒

Start from the beginning

You passed through the village with a blank stare, as usual, and when you reached the final house, you knocked on the door, knowing that the old woman inside would be sure to give you some comfort or advice.

She was considered the village "crazy lady," so it was only natural that you both were close, the two outcasts together. Once the woman opened the door, you took in her appearance, her fizzy, white hair a usual mess. She was quite short, only coming up to your hips, but you still bent over and gave her a hug.

"Hey Milea, I just wanted to stop by before leaving the village." The old woman smiled, nodding appreciatively Her only eyes scanned your form before looking to the three large bags you had slug across your shoulders.

Her brow crinkled in concern, "Where are you going with all this stuff, Y/N?" You shook your head, taking a deep breathe, "My family finally kicked me out for not worshipping the phoenix, and I thought it would be best to move outside the village."

The old woman had begun to shake her head, and you knew she would offer you to stay with her. You would accept, but she sprouted theories about the phoenix all day, every day. She used to be liked by the village, her theories always welcomed, but then when she started trying to make human sacrifices to the deity, she was quickly cast out. It was ironic how they despised you for hating the phoenix and their worship, and yet treated the most devote person in their little religion like she was the plague.

No one knew how old she was, but she always insisted that she was so old that she knew of the days before the land was frozen and plunged into an eternal winter. She claimed to know the phoenix himself, a statement that was highly frowned upon.

Milea was far worse than anyone when it came to the phoenix, but you knew she needed someone, and she cared about you. She was the only one you could call family, and she wasn't even your blood relative. That's why you grabbed her hands gently, looking her in her eyes as you told her you'd be fine.

"Milea, I'll find a cave before nightfall, then establish a home out on the plains or in the forest." The old woman pursed her lips and frowned. "Why don't you stay with me, instead?"

You winced, her invitation for you to stay with her endearing, but an offer that you had to reject. "I'm sorry Milea, but I need to do this. I need to leave, but I'll come back occasionally just for you."

The woman only sighed, "Then promise me to stay in the Cave of Heliopolis. It's said that if a fire were to ever be lit in the cave, then the phoenix's temple would be revealed, and he would be freed from the ashes!"

You groaned, knowing that she was about to spiral into a log session of phoenix theory, so you nodded to keep her happy. "I'll stay there tonight, Milea. I do have to be going now before the storm comes in tonight, but I'll be back soon."

Milea still gripped your hands and pulled you in for a hug. You bent down or her, and she whispered in your ear before you pulled away, "You were made for the phoenix, so I hope he likes you. You'll find him in that cave, don't worry, Y/N."

You shook your head, then ushered her back inside, the temperatures far too cold for an old woman like her. You waved back to her, then continued on your way, over the frozen wasteland you called home. There was almost nothing for miles in the direction you were heading, the mountains being over ten miles from the village.

It would take you a few hours to get there, but the caves on the steep slopes provided shelter and the forest nearby provided food, as well as kindling for a fire. The sun began to set by the time you reached the mountains, their gentle slopes giving you a sense of freedom and belonging.

You belonged out here, you could just feel it. You didn't know if it was tied to how you resented the village you used to live in, or how you had grown to love the nature surrounding you, but something about this mountain drew you in.

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