538 18 42

Techno POV:

Dinner wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, surprisingly, wilbur ate it all within an hour, and when I went upstairs he wasn't in the bathroom and he was lying down, I don't think he threw up.

Me and Tommy haven't been talking though, I think he's mad at me about the whole "show me your arms then." Comment, I'd be pissed too actually to be honest.

It was around 12, Tommy and Wilbur both went to sleep earlier and I'm gonna go to sleep around 1 since we have school tomorrow.

Just as i was about to get ready for bed, I felt my phone start ringing in my pocket, it was dad?


"Technoo hi! The person who was supposed to drive me left," he hiccuped, "can you pick me up pleaasseee" he slurred

God damn it Phil.

"Fuck dad- what were you thinking-"

"Ooohhhh riiighhht- can you pick up kristen tooooo??"

"Dad what about Tommy??"

"He's fineee- I just need to be picked up technooo"

"Fine. What's the name of the bar?"

He gives me the name and I hang up

I head down stairs and just as I grab the keys-

"Where are you going?"


"Picking up dad"

"Didnt he have a ride home?"

"Ride left without him."

"Can I come?"

"No, tommy."

"Of course I can't, because your left alone one night and you're sneaking out."

"I'm not sneaking out Tommy, fuck man, go back to bed, I doubt Phil will be happy when he sees your up when he gets home."

"Fine,I'm too fucking tired to stop you again. I'll just pretend your actually getting dad." I hear him mutter 'asshole' as he leaves

I get why he's mad at me, but i just wish he'd see my point of veiw.

I sigh as I leave through the door, I need to make sure he doesn't see Phil like this

Once I arrive at the bar I call him

"I'm outside"


"Just come out ill find you."


I keep him on the phone as I see him, and hang up as I approach him

"Techno! Hiiii"

"Hey, dad." I look at kristen, half passed out on his shoulder

"Fuck- do you have her address?" I say as I manage to get them both in the front seat.

"Let her come overrr"

"Fine,  but don't be pissed at me when you wake up."

He giggles in response.

I've never seen Phil drunk before, but it's obvious hes a childish drunk.

I lock the doors once I'm in the driver seat, and start back home.

Once we pull in the driveway I can already see tommy through the window, he was probably waiting for me to come home.

"Fuck, you two stay here really quick"

Don't Speak (SBI Angst)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat