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Techno POV:

As I walk down the sidewalk I message Dream

Do you have anything to drink?
Sent just now

Yeah but didn't you quit that shit?
Sent just now

Dream what do you have?
Sent just now

No seriously what's up with you? You're vaping again and now drinking? Is it Wilbur?
Sent just now

What do you have im not doing this
Sent just now

Fine. I have vodka and beer, what do you want?
Sent just now

Which is cheaper
Sent just now

I'll give you the whole case of beer for 5 dollars as a deal since your obviously going through a rough time ig
Sent just now

Kk, omw
Sent just now

I put my phone in my pocket as I continue my way towards dreams house

After 10 minutes I reach his house, it's in our towns trailer Park, his family doesn't have much money but he makes due, even if his mom's no where to be seen and his dads only home between the hours of 12 am-6 am

I knock on his door, I hear him inside


He opens the door

"Hey tech."

God he sounds like he's talking to a child

"Don't pity me"

"Techno you call me one week for a vape you haven't had in about like 9 months and the next week your calling for alcohol, something's going on."

"I don't know dream I've just been off lately, now Ill Venmo  you the 5 dollars gimme a second-" I pull out my phone, he puts it down.

"Forget it. C'mon."

I follow him inside and he grabs a case of natural light

"Ew man, that's shits gross."

"All beers gross this is just what sap left here, take it or leave it, or gimme 10 for the vodka?"

"I'll give the ten."

"Damn bro. Fine, send it to me"

I pull out my phone and send him the 10 dollars, after like 30 seconds he gets the notification.

He grabs the vodka and once he's back he hands it to me

"Don't get addicted again man"

"Don't worry, im not that dumb."

"You sure?"

I sigh and just start to walk off

"Thanks dream."

"I hope shit gets better techno-"

I close the door.

I start walking home, resisting the urge to drink it before I'm home by taking hits of my vape.

Once Im at the house I go around the side and put the vodka in the bush by my window that has the fire escape ladder so I can get it once I'm inside

I walk through the front door after I've hidden the vodka in that bush

"Can we talk techno?" It's phil

"About what"

"About these... Outbursts! I mean, you're usually so level headed- even when upset, what's wrong tech?"

"I... I don't know. I'll probably get over it don't worry."

"I have to worry im your dad"

"Don't worry please, I think I've just thought about past events too much or something with Wilbur being here, I'll be fine."

"Are you scared he's gonna run into schlatt?"

"He already did but it's should be over now, I don't think schlatt will ever talk to him again."

"What past events? That day? Your own anorexia and self harm journey? What is it tech?"

"Kinda that but it's also, god-" I sigh as I drag my hands over my face"I just... I kinda wondered what went wrong with him... And cus our situations are so similar you know? Then I thought what went wrong with me... And I just kept thinking about her- I don't know why I just-!"

"It's okay techno. I know you don't like talking about her"

"Can I go up to my room now?"

"Yeah... Talk to me if you need to."

"Will do." I head up the stairs.

"I love you tech"

"Love you too."

I close my door behind me and slide down my door, taking a hit.

I stand up after a minute and open my window, I head down the ladder, I grab the bottle, and come back up.

I shut my window and screw open the bottle, and take a small sip, It burns but not to much, I've never liked mixing vodka with anything, so I learned to just deal with it. After a while the burn was one of the best parts, I just have to get used to it again

I search through my school bag to find an old water bottle and I put the vodka in there, then shove the bottle that has the rest of the vodka in there in my closet.

I put the water bottle on my desk and sit down, turning on YouTube on my computer.

I take mindless sips, only really paying attention when I drink too much and have a coughing fit.

I hear a knock at my door.

"Yeah??" I shout back

"Can I come in?" It's tommy.


I put the cap on the water bottle as he walks in

Tommy POV:

I walk in, technos putting the lid on a water bottle and there's a mr.beast video in the background

"Bro are you watching Mr.Beast?" I'm not making fun of him, I just genuinely thought he didnt watch Mr. Beast

"Huh no- oh. I wasn't paying attention to it my bad." I heard the slur in his voice and got a pang in my chest but said nothing

"Why weren't you paying attention?" I sit on his bed, I only came in here to distract myself because tubbo wasn't answering the phone but he's being weird, the slur in his voice, not paying attention, gives me major flashbacks to when he was friends with schlatt, everyday hed come home drunk, and even though he hid it well enough that no one noticed much and just thought he was tired, once I caught him and schlatt snorting that shit though and snitched, he came out about so much shit, one thing was drinking, and after we found that out, it was so easy to tell.

But he wouldn't do that again...



Don't Speak (SBI Angst)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें