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TW:use of F slur, fight mention, bullying (?), Implied anorexia, homophobia,  tell me any more if there's any more :)


A/N:sorry but I'm doing a big time skip because the rest leading up to the first day was just filler and it would have been boring to write and boring to read 🧍‍♀️

So here's the first day of school! Hope you enjoy :)

Wilbur POV:

"Okay boys, I'll see you at 4. Text me if anything goes wrong or you need to be picked up, especially you, Wilbur, you have my number. I love you guys, bye!"
Phil says as techno and I get out of the car, Tommy's still in the car because he goes to the middle school and he'll be dropped off next.

Me and techno are silent the whole 20 second walk up to the door being held open by a staff member who I assume has to sit there the whole 30 minutes that kids are considered 'on time'

Once we're inside techno turns to me

"Hey I'm gonna go sit with my friends, wanna come with?"

I shake my head, not wanting to intrude.

"Okay... But I'll be sitting right over there if you need me." I nod

I sit at an empty place and just sit on my phone for a good 10 minutes before someone approaches me.

"Oh hey it's you!"

It's the girl from the store, her names Niki...? I think so.

I wave my hand

"Oh right- also, sorry if I was too forward with the Sally thing... She's not a good person, I don't know anything she did do but she probably wasn't the best."

I nod again, pulling out my notebook.

Yeah. She wasn't the best, but I know she's still your sister so I'm not gonna shit talk her or anything Infront of you.

"No please do- holy fuck what id give to watch her get humbled" I smile.

Don't you live like 2 towns over? Did you move or something?

"Yeah we moved. Currently Sally's suspended though for shit she did as a 'end of the year prank' last year so we get a good 2 months without her. She's a senior though so next year she'll be gone for good, and she'll move out so my life will be Sally free"

Wait she'll be here?

"Yeah I'm not excited either."

A bell rings, signifying us to get to our first period, I look at the schedule I put in the back of my clear phone case so I couldn't lose it and see I have maths.ew.

"I have maths with mr.nivison first, how About you?"

Same! :)

"YES! I won't be totally alone! How about we also meet up at lunch so you can meet my friend group?"

I nod, meeting new people is scary but niki seems super nice, so I think her friend group would be the same!

We get into maths and Mr. nivison tells us to sit anywhere. Me and Niki sit by each other and as students walk in Niki tells one boy to come over, apparently he's in her friend group.

"Fundy!! Over here!" Fundy? Actually that's not as weird as other names I've heard, technoblades gotta be the weirdest birth name ever.

"Yooo Niki!! Who's this?"

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