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TW:self harm, accidental(?)Suicide attempt, anorexia mention, hospital, bulimia,

(BTW idk if I made it obvious enough or not but techno was having a derealization episode that's why he was like "I don't feel like myself""am I always like this?")

Techno POV:

I run up the stairs, I need to throw up. I just need to- I know I'm better but throwing up once won't hurt- I need to throw up.

I get to the door and see it's closed, wilburs probably already in there. For a minute I'm upset before I hear what he's doing

He's throwing up.

Tech?" Tommy whispers

"Sh!" I shush him and push past him to Phil and whisper to him,

"Wilburs throwing up"

"Hey tommy, go to to your room for a minute okay?" Phil tells him


"We need to talk to Wilbur about something."

"Why does techno get to but I cant- he's only 16. He's a child."

"Tommy well talk later"

Tommy pushes past us into his room and we sit, waiting for Wilbur to come out.

As Wilbur comes out he notices us immediately, waiting for him. He was obviously crying earlier and he has something he was pushing into his pocket as he came out.

He looks at us with a confused face, slightly scared, he probably realized we heard him.

"Can we talk mate?"

He nods and we follow him into his room where he grabs his notebook and just waits for us to start talking.

"So- um- we heard you in the bathroom throwing up- and I've seen some signs of, well, anorexia with how you eat and such-"Phil gets cut off by Wilbur quickly turning around his notebook

I'm not anorexic.

"We don't wanna say you are or diagnose you or anything- maybe just take you to the doctor to see for signs or anything?" Phil says, Jesus. Deja vu.

I'm not though, I promise.

As he whips around his notebook the thing he put in his pocket earlier falls out, a Altoids box, probably to cover the smell of throw up In his mouth when hes done. But when it hit the floor it rattled, like something else was in there. He goes to pick it up quickly and just holds it now

"Wilbur it's okay if you are- but if you genuinely think youre not then we still should get you tested for it or not because sometimes people do it, and don't even notice the signs that they have, or are developing an eating disorder" Phil continues

I seriously know I don't.

The second he turns around his notebook tommy yells from his room-


We all look at each other, he's never asked for Wilbur before.

"Let's just go see what he needs-" Phil says confused.

We all nod and get up to go see what he needs

Wilbur opens the door since he's who was called.

He gasps, especially loud for Wilbur since he seems to try his hardest to be quiet with every sound

Me and Phil peak our heads over as Wilbur starts heading to whatever he sees, to see whatever Wilbur saw that caused him to gasp

"Tommy?!" Phil says before heading over to him too.

I get the last look.

Tommy's sitting against his wall by his closet, passed out, arm and hand covered in blood, the bloody hand over his arm. God please don't tell me-

Phil moves his hand. I feel like throwing up.

There's only one cut, but it's fucking deep.

My mind is rushing

Is this the first time he's done it? Was it because he saw me? Did something happen today to make him want to do that?

Suddenly I feel real again. Suddenly I feel like myself. Suddenly I feel too real. Everything is so fucking real, he actually did that, Wilbur actually threw up and even though I don't care much about him yet, him only having been here for about 2 weeks, barley, It still hurts that someone else that I know is fucking going through that, phils right, I actually am getting worse, but right now it feels like a absolutely everyone is worse.

"-from blood loss- I think- hurry-!" Phils on the phone, probably with 911.

He keeps shaking tommy, trying to keep him awake I think, he's already passed out though.

I didn't even realize I was shaking till now, I'm still In his bedroom doorway.

"Excuse us sir-" someone pushes me out of the way and goes to pick up Tommy.

It's a paramedic.

They take him downstairs and I follow with Wilbur and Phil.

We all rush outside to where he's being put in the ambulance

"2 people can come with him, do any of you want to come, preferably the parent."

"Fuck- I have to drive them- will he be okay? Please tell me he'll be okay?"Phil says

"He should be fine. When you get to the hospital ask for him, he's in good hands."
They begin to walk away

"Wait!" I start

They turn back around

"Can I go with him?"

"Techno-" Phil starts

"Yes but hurry up."

"I'll see you at the hospital!" I say before rushing to the back of the ambulance to sit with him.

Soon the paramedic comes in and closes the door and we start heading to the hospital while they do a ton of medical stuff on him, focusing on his breathing and his arm.

Once we make it to the hospital they bring him into the emergency room saying they're going to stitch him up and make sure he didn't do anything like overdose or cause any harm anywhere else on his body, they tell me to wait In the waiting room and they'll get me when theyre done.

I sit down and bring my knees to my chest before wrapping my arms around them and curing myself into a ball.

I hear a familiar voice

"We're here for Thomas Watson- I'm his dad- is he okay?" The voice is hoarse and choked out.

I look up and see Phil talking to the receptionist, he's been crying.

"He should be fine, he's getting stitches right now. Wait over there, you'll be called to his room when they're done." She says, "here's the paperwork to state your relation to the patient." She hands him a clipboard with papers on it

"O-okay. Thank you. C'mon wil"

I curl back into a ball

They start walking over and probably see me, I hear them sit next to me.

"Techno are you okay? How was the ride."

"Fine." I don't want to talk right now.

"He'll be okay."

"I know." I still can't stop thinking about one thing though,

Am I who gave him the idea to do that to himself?

A/N: was this too fast paced? I'm scared this was too fast paced. My bad ‼️‼️


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