666 20 19

TW:OD, mention of anorexia, mention of self harm, vaping 👍

Techno POV:

"Fuck just trust me please." I say too harsh to feel like myself, sure I'm monotone a lot of the time, or not exactly nice, but this is just plain anger.

"Tech I can't. I'm sorry, not while your like this."


I open the door,and take what I'm supposed to in front of him


"Yeah...look tech I'm sorry-"

I shut the door on him

This isn't...me?

"Not now dad - sorry."

"Yeah- it's- it's fine...see you at dinner?"


I hear him walk away, defeated.

I look at the pill bottle in my hands.

Down it- quickly- before I'm gone

What? No.


"fuck you" I say under my breath as I pour the pills into my hand.

"Fuck it"

I down about 10 of them before the voice seemed to be gone


I look around my room for anything- anything to throw up in

"Please please please please"

I know I won't overdose on just 10 pills, but I need them out of me now. I just do.

"Please please please please"

I search more before giving up, and I just bolt for the bathroom slamming the bathroom door behind me, not even caring about the noise, not caring about the spilled over bottle of pills laying on my bedroom floor right now, I just need to throw up.

I shove my fingers down my throat,

Such a familiar feeling, like an old friend.

Soon, I do it, I throw up.

"Techno I'm opening the door." Phil waits for a response but I don't.

He opens the door

"Oh God Techno."

I look at his hand, the pill bottle, empty, the rest of the pills on my floor and in the toilet now.

"Sorry" my voice is hoarse and raspy

"God Techno." He has tears in his eyes, begging to fall.

"Are you going to say anything else?"


"Dunno. It just told me to. And I did, until it disappeared."

"Oh my fucking god." He says quietly, sadly honestly. I can't blame him.

Let me paint the scene.

Your son just overdosed, and now you just see him sat against the wall with the toilet a few feet Infront of him, with throw up inside it. The last time you saw him like this no pills were involved, but it was not a good sight.

Not to mention you and him had a fight not even an hour earlier so you're probably blaming yourself.

"Just gonna tell you it's not your fault before you even think it" I put up my pointer finger with a sad smile, not even looking at him.

Don't Speak (SBI Angst)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora