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Wilbur POV:

Phil wakes me up and I get dressed and head down for breakfast, as I'm going upstairs I hear techno say he wants to stay home for a headache, taking in the events of last night it matches up.

With some small talk, me obviously not involved, I get my plate and head back to my room.

I take a few bites before giving up and heading to the restroom to throw up and scrape my food in the toilet, first I throw up, the familiar burn follows as I throw up.

I look down

Blood. Straight blood. Sure there's food in there, but blood. I just fully puked up blood.

It freaks me out. Alot. I reach out my phone and Google

"If I puke a lot would I eventually puke blood?"

The answer actually makes a lot of sense, but it's the second part that freaks me out.

"Vomiting can tear blood vessels, with resultant bleeding that is life-threatening"

Life threatening. Life threatening... I mean, I don't want to be here, but I'm not ready to die just yet.

I clean up and leave, not paying attention as we leave for school, get to school, and as I walk in the building

"WILBUR! where have you been man???"

Fundy, knocks me out of my train of thought

Family stuff, sorry :(

"No it's fine I get it, Niki's not here today though, doctors appointment."

I nod

"Also fucks up with you and schlatt?"

I look up

What do you mean.

"Everyday your not here he asks about you... Like alot. And I've seen him texting a contact called 'wilbur'. Shit like 'why arent you here'. Fucks up with that?"

Oh he keeps trying to get info about techno from me, I guess he misses his ex bestie i don't know

"...ok. let's just go to class wil" he smiles

He obviously doesn't belive me, hell, I wouldn't either.

We walk into first period, Fundy talking about some new glitch with the newest Minecraft update, me still thinking about the blood, i'm about to sit down as I see schlatts already there, early, since when has schlatt been early??

"Fucks up with you?"

I realize I'm staring at him.

I sit down and just tap my pen till I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I know that Mr.Nivison is fine with our phones being out so I pull mine out

Are you okay?
Sent just now

Schlatt. I take note how next to everyone else he said, quite harshly, 'fucks up with you? But he sounds so genuine in text.

Yeah something js happened this morning dw Abt it.
Sent just now

What happened?
Sent just now

I don't want to talk about it.
Sent just now

Actually, I do want to talk about it, 'life threatening'? That shit scares me. But I can't with schlatt. If I did, I don't know how he'd react, would it be the caring schlatt, or asshole schlatt? There's no telling.

Would you maybe wanna smoke about it :)
Sent just now

Do I necessarily want to 'smoke about it'? No. Would it make me feel better? Probably.

Ig it is a Friday,but Phil wakes up at 4 at the earliest so I gotta be back by then.
Sent just now

Yeah yeah Ik
Sent just now

Of course he knows. Techno probably told him about it.

I put my phone in my pocket and started doing the 'work' Mr.nivison  gave us, it was seriously just a crossword.

The bell rings sooner then I felt like it should have and kids pool into the hallways.

Through the day I head to my classes, and am bored for the next 2 periods until I walk into 4th period, science.

Schlatts sitting in the seat next to mine

Schlatts not in this class, am I going fucking insane or something???

I sit next to him and write on the back of my morning work

You aren't in this period

"You're observational arnt you? I'm in this class now. They changed mine and alex's schedules so that we wouldn't have any classes together, bummer."


The name sounded familiar, I just didn't know who it was.

"My brother, we started fighting in class which landed us both a week of lunch detention and they made us not be in the same classes. They really pick and choose their punishments, I'm still in classes with fundy, but I get in a fucking argument with my own brother and we get separated. Hate this shit hole of a school."

Oh. That's where I heard the name before, I think techno mentioned him.


After the next 2 periods, it's the worst time. lunch.

Today it's only fundy, karl, me, and karls boyfriend...sapnap.? I think.

I'm scrolling on my phone when I hear karl say something.

"Are you not gonna eat?"

I pull out my notepad and start writing

I feel kinda sick, sorry.

"No it's fine! But at least have this!" He rolls over an apple

I really didn't plan to throw up for awhile, because the whole life threatening thing, but If I say no it'll be rude and he'll probably insist, if I say yes it'll be weird if I don't eat it.

I nod as a 'thank you'

I eat about half of the apple before the bell for next period rings.

I throw the rest of it away, ignoring the eyes  I feel behind me, it's probably just techno or schlatt- wait. Techno has ISS and schlatt has lunch detention.

I look behind me and see karl whip his face around, trying to hide that he was looking at me.

I shrug it off and head towards the back restrooms, no one goes in there, especially not after lunch, too far.

I kneel down and force myself to throw up, not paying attention to what I had actually thrown up until I look into the toilet.

Blood, barley any food in there unlike this morning. God damn it.

I flush and head out of the stall just as someone walks in the bathroom


"Oh there you are! Are you okay I was looking for-" he cuts himself off just as the late bell goes off

"There's uh- blood on your lip. What's that from?"

Shit shit shit

I bit my lip.

"Oh- okay" now it's awkward.

He kinda just waddled away and out of the bathroom.

I wipe off my mouth and walk to my next period, late.

Then at the end of the day I painstakingly wait for Phil to pick me up.

Once Phil pulls up I see how worried he looks, and I see techno glaring at me, hints of worry still there, at least tommy is normal.


Don't Speak (SBI Angst)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz