848 22 25

TW: self harm, anorexia mention

Tommys POV:

As I wait for techno to come down Wilbur and dad sit down and wait for techno too before we start eating.

Techno walks down, he's in a sweater and pajama pants, it always scares me when he wears long sleeves now, I know he just doesn't like people seeing his scars but I can't help but think there's new ones. And I'd prefer to see scars than imagine new ones, I know Phil feels differently though, everytime he sees his arm I can see him look guilty, I know techno sees it too.

Tech looks at us for a second

"Whats going on" he stands there awkwardly before pulling out his chair and sitting down also.

"I wanted to have a little family breakfast before we take Wilbur shopping, a nice little introduction to us, you know?" I speak up

"Well did you at least tell him we're not normally this organized in the morning, and you aren't up this early normally, don't get him used to something that's not real tommy"

"He knowssss", I draw out the 's' "just sit down and eat! Its a little cold but still good due to the Phil magic" I put my hands up in a 'pizzaz' type way.

I get a chuckle from Phil and techno and a smile from Wilbur, I take that as I was successfully funny.

"So what's the plan for today?" I say

"Around 12 or 1 we're gonna go to the store to get some decorations for wils room and some more clothes for him, and anything else he needs to, then come home, set up anything we need to set up in his room, put up his clothes then by that time it should be 6-8 pm depending on what happens, then we can all do our own stuff or just hang out in the living room or something, whatever you guys wanna do."

"I'm fine with whatever" techno says, of course he is, he'll be alone on hypixel by 2 am no matter what happens.

"I'm fine with whatever too!" I speak up, I honestly just dont care, I'll be able to talk to ranboo or tubbo by the end of the night and go to sleep. probably only ranboo though since tubbo has his phone on do not disturb all the time.

Wilbur writes for a second before putting up his notebook

Me too :)

"I guess we'll just do whatever happens! Also Wilbur school starts back up in about a week, so we have to get you everything you need for that too, techno and tommy went school shopping a week ago so they already got it all." Phil says

Wilbur nods his head as a way to say okay and goes back to just picking at his food, taking a bite every few seconds. Technos doing the same. I never should have brought up that stupid fucking memory yesterday, now he's thinking about that 24/7 and it'll take about a month to get him back to normal again, or whatever normal is for him. He never eats normal, even if he or Phil says he's better now, he still has smaller portions and still picks at his food every now and then, and still gets as little food as possible.

But everyone says he's better.

He's not better.

And I'm so fucking terrified that the same thing is gonna happen to Wilbur, I'm.trying to make him feel welcomed, trying to treat him as my best friend, I know what it feels like to be alone. No one in that fucking orphanage would talk to me. They hated me. Do I know why? No. But they absolutely despised me.

They would beat the shit out of me and say the meanest fucking shit. But eventually a family came, saved me for a month(if they were a good home) then brought me back. Until Phil. Phil was who really saved me. But even here, I was so alone during that period where techno shut out everyone. Sure I had Phil, tubbo and ranboo, but techno was my real best friend. We don't have the same connection we had before that little episode of his.

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