880 23 6

TW Self harm scar mention

Wilbur POV:

I hear a knock at the door,
"Hey Wilbur it's 10, you might wanna get up we have a big day today!"

It's Phil's voice.

I scramble out of bed and grab my only other outfit and put it on, I grab my bag and put in my notepad and phone In case charlie messages me. I open my door and leave, following the voices throughout the house, leading me to the kitchen.

"Tommy just go ahead and eat your eggs are so cold by now"

"Nuh uh I wanna eat with techno and Wilbur!"

I walk in

"Good morning Wilbur" says a tired looking Phil

"Morning!" Says a way too energetic tommy

I wave with a smile

"Dadddd can you wake up techno I wanna have a first quote on quote family breakfast you know??"

"Tom techno was up late, give him like 10 more minutes then it'll be 10:30." He looks over to me "wil you can go ahead and start eating don't worry about tommy, do you want toast?"

I shake my head, as little food as possible is what I always aim for.

Phil puts a plate of semi warm eggs down, "I kept them on the warm stove just so they would stay warmer longer, don't know how well that worked, I think they're still warm? I dunno."

I start writing

They're still warm! Thank you they look really good :)

"Phil makes the best eggs! I don't know how he does it, also dad can you go wake up techno now pretty pleaseeeee"

"Tommy fine. I'll go wake him up, be nice to Wilbur tommy you're really energetic this morning"

Phil POV:

Why is tommy acting so energetic? It's like how he acted when he first got here, when he was unsure if we would like him or not. Is he just unsure if Wilbur will like him or not? Maybe.

I knock on technos door right before I walk in there, as a warning just in case he is awake. He doesn't like when I yell or when I touch him when he's asleep so I can't shake him or anything, so I just walk in there, turn on the light and say-

"Hey tech, get up Tommy's really adamant on having a family breakfast... I don't know why." I watch him turn over and sprawl out as a way to stretch. His sleeves are rolled up and his wrists are facing up and I get stung with guilt for a second that I let that happen.

He sighs "yeah one sec dad." As he rubs his eyes.

I close the door and head back down, I can hear tommy talking,

"I don't normally get up this early, but Phil's usually up by 7 and and techno stays up all night so he's either up at 5 am because he didn't sleep or asleep till 3pm because he stayed up late, I just got up early because I want to spend time with you, I know how it feels to be alone in a new place"

I stop by the last few steps. Tommy rarely opens up to anyone, not even tubbo and ranboo, he only gets emotional if something happened. Especially if it's someone he barley knows. When was he alone? This home? A different one? School before ranboo and tubbo stood up for him?

I walk fully down and go to the kitchen.

"Hey what were you guys talking about?"

"Oh- uh nothing I was just saying your cookings really good cold or not cold!"

What is up with him?



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