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Im writing this tipsy so if theres mistakes my bad 😍

Techno POV:

I was sitting in my room, waiting for Charlie to leave so I could go downstairs and get water, I don't like when people I don't know are around so I avoid them as much as I can.

I hear him leave and head downstairs to get my water, seeing Tommy go in Wilbur room as I pass the hallway.

As I'm getting my water I hear Tommy call for Phil and I pay little attention to it, Tommy calls for Phil alot so it doesn't mean somethings wrong.

As I pass wilburs room again I see Wilbur on the floor, blood on his hands, the floor, his shirt, everything,  coming from his mouth.

Fucking dumbass.

He's coughing blood. Oh wow I wonder how that happened. If only someone had warned him

I sigh

I walk in there and see him as his eyes close

"P-phil" he says, if I had been maybe 2 steps back I wouldn't have heard him.

It's barley audible but enough for everyone in the room to shut the fuck up.

"Did he just-" Tommy starts

"I think he said-" phil continued

"Phil." I finished.

"Fuck-I'll call 911, keep him propped up so he doesn't choke on his blood- ill be right back boys" phil said

I went over to keep him propped up because I could tell just the sight of him was upsetting to  tommy.

"I was told I wouldn't see that again techno."

I knew what he meant, how could I not? He meant he was told he'd never see someone covered in their own blood again.

Weather  it was from throwing up blood, self harm, or anything. He was promised he wouldn't see it again.

"I'm so sorry toms."

"It's not your fault." He sighed, then changed the subject. "I didn't know he could actually talk"

"Well how did you think he used to sing his songs? We do still have to get him that guitar..."

"Oh shit you have a point" He let out a silent laugh

I felt Wilbur start to stir awake and he looked up at me and Tommy and himself covered in blood.

He started moving his hands on the floor around him, looking for something, he looked around the room frantically then pointed to his bed

I looked, his notebook. By the time I processed that he wanted it Tommy was already up and grabbing it.

Just as Tommy handed it to him Phil came back upstairs, he began telling us about the person who answered the 911 call

"They wouldn't even listen that he had passed out, they said if he didn't throw up straight blood, he'd be fine as long as he let it heal, they didn't even listen that he coughed up blood and probably threw it up earlier-"

"Dad." I cut him off, and pointed at wilbur.making him realize Wilbur was awake

"Oh my- Wilbur are you okay" he rushed over to wilburs side and was probably making sure there were no other issues other then him throwing up blood, "what happened? Wilbur please be honest im not gonna send you away I promise."

Wilbur began writing

It wasn't that big of a deal. Sorry I scared you.

"Jesus wilbur it was a big deal you fucking spoke" I spoke up, "it seems like even as you passed out you could tell it was important you got help."

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