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TW: suicide mention in a memory, talk of anorexia, self harm(MAJOR SELF HARM BTW, NO RELAPSE BUT ITS MAJOR TALK YK), insinuated anger issues, talk of mental health in general, and a hospital. I think that's it, but I may have missed one or two, please tell me if I did.

Tommy POV:

"Dad- this isn't funny- dad!"

My dad's lying on the floor, unconscious.


I shake him, nothing. He's still. So still.

I pull his eyelids up hoping to wake him.

His eyelids stay open, he's not blinking, just, staring.


He's still not moving.

I just start sobbing. I can't lose him please. Please I can't lose him.

"Dad please."

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

I go downstairs, still bawling my eyes out, hoping to grab his phone and call someone', anyone.

I find it.

There's a password?

After a few attempts it says

Try again in 5 minutes. Too many attempts

No my dad doesn't have 5 minutes!

I go outside, I'm not supposed to be out here without dad... I hope he understands when they bring him back. I can't stop crying.

I knock on the neighbors door

"Hello- oh god- um hey kiddo what's wrong?"

"M-my dad- he-"

"Oh shit- um did he hit you kiddo?"

"N-no- he hit himself-" I start to sob harder "r-really hard- he's not moving- h-help- p-please."

"Fuck. Uh come in kid, I'll call people to help your dad okay?"

I nod. I'm still crying.

He sits me down at her kitchen table and gets me a glass of water before calling someone, I can hear bits of the conversation through the walls.


He comes back down the stairs.

"Okay kiddo I called the authorities- your dad should be okay alright?"

I nod

"W-what are a-authorities..?"

"Oh. Good people I swear... They... They'll help your dad okay?"

I nod

We sit in silence for awhile. Before there's a knock at the door, he gets it.

"Hello... Is the kid in here? You are the neighbor that called us correct?"

"Oh- yeah... Kiddo come over here please!"

I come over there and hide behind the man's leg

"Hey... What's your name..?"


"That's a good name! Your father is um... He's gone tommy. He's passed away... I'm so sorry. Do you know what that means?"

"Y-yes-... You can save him though! That's your job- save him!" I cry

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