Chapter 55 - Fairytales

Start from the beginning

"The other method would be---"

"Eh..? Hey, wait, Kurumi just what are you planning--" Before Lucas could ask, Kurumi ran towards a nearby building. She raised her hand up in the sky and swung it at the wall of the building.

"AAAAAAAA?!" Lucas cried as his body flew towards the wall and---

Bonk! His face slammed against the wall. Then, his body gave off faint light particles, and his body, as if it were clay, slowly formed itself back into a human body.

"The other method, and how it was written in the original story, the princess threw the frog against a wall and caused the curse to break," Kurumi explained.

"You could've warned me..." Lucas cried out, holding his swollen nose. If it were any regular frog, it would've surely died after the impact.

Lucas pressed his feet and slowly got up from the ground, and brushed his pants, now covered in dust and dirt. Luckily, he still had his pair of clothes.

"Anyhow, where are the others?"

"I don't know. It seems we were scattered at random. I can't seem to use my Spirit powers in this world either." Kurumi said, turning her head left and right.

"I can't use my magic either. There seemed to be restrictions placed in this illusionary world." Lucas said and scratched his head in annoyance.

"In any case, we should go and find the others."

"Yes." Kurumi nodded, and the two of them began walking in a random direction. To be completely honest, Lucas was only acting to his gut feeling. The chance that they were walking in the wrong direction was 75 percent. And it didn't help a bit that Kurumi...

"Ah!" With a thud sound, Kurumi fell face-first to the ground. She wasn't used to running in high heels since they're only used for walking, not running.

"A-are you okay?!" Lucas immediately rushed to Kurumi and helped her up to her feet. Her face was covered in dirt, but luckily there weren't any bruises or wounds.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it. I should be sorry for what's to come now---"

"Huh? Kya--?!" In the next moment, Kurumi's legs were lifted into the air, and her body was carried princess-like in Lucas' arms. Without any thought, Lucas began sprinting at incredible speed in the direction they were walking.

"Lucas-san?!" Kurumi cried out when Lucas did that. After all, they were probably faster than a car at full speed right now.

"Didn't you say you couldn't use your powers?"

"Yeah, but I still have my physical strength. My body isn't as weak as a normal human now, even without magic." Lucas explained and pushed more strength into his feet. With that movement, he and Kurumi jumped tens of meters up, giving Lucas a good view of their current location.

"Ah!" Lucas let out a small sound from his throat when he spotted small figures further away from their location.

"I can see Shidou, Tohka, Yoshino and Nia!" When Lucas landed on his feet, he immediately proceeded to up his speed and run in their direction.

"Heeeeyyyy! Everyone!" Lucas shouted, and Shidou and the others turned their heads towards Lucas.

It probably looked as if a hoard of bulls were racing at them, from all the dust that trailed behind Lucas.

"Lucas?! Just what---" Shidou said with a trembling voice and Lucas got closer and eventually stopped right in front of them.

"Phew. Seems like I'm still dependent on magic for stamina." Lucas let it a long breath and relaxed his body.

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