Chapter thirty-four

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Luckily, the day of the ultrasound came pretty fast. It will definitely ease some of their worries if they see that their babies are doing ok.

But the morning had a bit of a rough start. After Sofia got herself ready for school, she joined her moms in the kitchen. Carina had already started cooking breakfast as usually. More often than not, they would hang out in the kitchen before breakfast, taking time to talk to each other.

''Buongiorno, farfalla.'' Carina looked over her shoulder to see her daughter entering the kitchen.

''Morning bubs, how are you?'' Maya asked from the countertop where she was sitting.

''Goodmorning moms, I'm fine.'' She quickly dismissed, because she wasn't really feeling all that well.

Maya and Carina could quickly see that something was off. Sofia had little drops of sweat on her forehead and she also looked a bit shaky.

''Sei sicura?'' (Are you sure?)

''Sì, certo.'' Sofia replied as she grabbed a glass from the cabinet, put accidentally dropped it.

''Godverdomme kutzooi.'' Sofia cursed. Now Maya and Carina didn't know a lot of Dutch, but because of the way Sofia said it, they knew she cursed.

Maya jumped off of the countertop. ''Language, bubs.'' She scolded. ''Are you sure you're okay?''

''I'm fine.'' Sofia snapped as she looked for a dustpan and a brush, as well as a vacuum cleaner to clean up the broken glass.

Carina and Maya decided to let her be for a minute. As Sofia cleaned up the glass, Maya prepped the table while Carina finished serving breakfast.

''Buon appetito.'' They all said as they started eating.

''I'm sorry for snapping and swearing.'' Sofia said after a period of silence.

''It's ok, we just want to be sure there's nothing wrong.'' Maya said as soon as she finished her bite.

''I'm fine, I was just hungry. I'll bike to school today. Goodluck with the ultrasound.'' Sofia said as she put her plate away and grabbed her jacket.

''Bye!'' The moms heard, followed by a slamming door.

''She acted strange, right?'' Maya asked as she cleaned up the rest of the table, after ordering Carina to sit down.''

''Sì, I agree. Maybe she just got out of bed on the wrong foot.'' She said.

''It's got out on the wrong side of the bed, honey.'' Maya smiled. But probably yes, and she apologized, so it's ok. How are you feeling about the ultrasound?'' Maya asked her wife as she joined her in the living room.

''I'm excited but nervous. I'm glad you took the day off, bambina.'' Carina said.

Maya looked back at her. ''Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world.'' She sincerely spoke.

Their appointment was at 10, so they didn't have a lot of time to hang out together. They decided to watch some TV and snuggle together, before heading to the hospital.

''Do you have everything?'' Maya asked Carina as she grabbed her keys.

''Can you just help me tie my shoelaces, per favore?'' Carina asked.

''Of course, my love.'' Maya smiled and did as she was asked.

''Grazie, amore.'' Carina said as she gave Maya a little kiss.

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