Chapter twenty

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The next day was a Wednesday. Carina and Maya both had the day off. They've planned a fun day with Sofia. At 3pm, they stood at the school gate, waiting for their daughter to join them. Then, they saw Sofia walking towards them with Olivia.

[POV: Carina]
I saw Sofia and Olivia walking out of school together. I'm so glad that Soof has made such a good friend so quickly. As soon as Sofia saw Maya and me, she sprinted towards us. It's funny, because you would think that an eleven-year-old would be embarrassed to hug their moms in front of the entire school, but not Sofia. She doesn't care about what strangers think of her.

"Hi bubs, how was school today?" Maya said.
I feel like I'm falling in love with Maya all over again.I don't know why she ever doubted herself, because she is the best mother a child could ask for.

"How are you, piccolina?" I ask her, and I give her a hug as well.

"I'm super duper good! School was so much fun. We played football and we painted."

"Sorry, DeLuca-Bishops? Could I speak to you guys for a moment please?"

It's Mr.Mitchell. Maya and I share a look and we move towards him.

"Bambina, could you wait here for a minute please?"

"Sure, I'll stay with Liv for a minute" she replies, and I see her skipping to Olivia, so that's good.

"Is there something wrong, sir?" Maya asks a bit concerned.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about Sofia's behavior, but it was usually a firefighter or a doctor that came to pick her up, which is absolutely fine of course." He begins. "I feel like Sofia has really found her place in the class. She made a lot of friends and I can see that she enjoys spending time with her classmates."

"Well, that's good." Maya cuts him off.
"Let him talk bambina." I put a comforting hand on her back. I feel like there is something more about this.

"Yes, that's very good. However, she doesn't seem to know when it's time to stop having fun. She is very smart, and I know that most levels are too easy for her right now. She gets bored often, and then she becomes a disturbance. She isn't allowed to sit next to Olivia anymore, because they talk too much. But it doesn't seem to bother Sofia. She'll just talk to the person closest to her. If she's not talking, she seems to be caught in her own mind a lot. She's on the wrong page, or looking out the window. I just wanted you guys to know that. Maybe you can also talk to her about it. I've tried telling her off. She's had detention and she hasn't always been allowed to go outside during lunch break. But I've seen no change in her behavior at all. Also homework, she almost never does it. I know you both have a very demanding jobs, so you can't always check it. And it's not too big of a problem, because she understands the learning materials. But I can't allow it anymore."

"Thank you for telling us." Maya said.
"Yeah, we had absolutely no idea, but we'll definitely talk to her about this." I tell him, and Mr. Mitchell nods.

"Sure, I just really want what's best for her. I know that this might have to do with her past, and maybe also with personality, but adhd has also been mentioned by other teachers. Now, this school year is almost over, so this is mainly a concern for middle school. Also, I want point out that she has never been rude or nasty to me or classmates."

"Thank you sir, for telling us. We will have a talk with her about this, and we'll also check her homework. I appreciate you explaining your concerns like this in person, also keeping in mind her past and her personality, so thank you sir." Maya tells him. I can hear she's trying to ignore her feelings, but I can she that this affects her by the look on her face.

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