Chapter seven

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Carina just got of the phone with social services. She walks back to Sofia's room, opens the door and walks inside

''Did you call social services?'' Maya asks.

Carina takes a seat next to Maya. ''I did. They told me they were going to contact Jeugdzorg. If there are no friends or family who are willing to take care of Sofia, we can start the adoption process. They will visit our home someday next week, to see if we are suitable to be Sofia's guardians. For now, Sofia is allowed to come home with us.'' Carina slowly explains.

''That's good, isn't it? What's Jeugdzorg?'' Maya asks.

Sofia smiles at the women. ''Jeugdzorg is like the Dutch version of social services.'' She explains.

''How do you feel about this bambina?'' Carina asks.

''I don't think that anyone is going to want to take care of me back home. I think this might work. I'm happy I won't be living in a house full of strangers. You guys feel safe to me.'' Sofia looks sincerely.

Carina and Maya smile at the bambina. ''I'm very happy with that, bubs. I'm going to call Andy to see if I can take a few days off. Is it ok if I explain the situation to my colleagues?'' Maya asks Sofia.

''That's fine with me.'' She answers.

Maya walks out of the room to call Andy, leaving Carina alone with Sofia.

''Hey Andy, I would like to ask for a few days off. We met a kid on a call yesterday. She was in a car accident. She's doing alright, but her family unfortunately didn't make it.'' There is a short period of silence before Maya continues again. ''Her name is Sofia and she's eleven-years-old. I bonded with her instantly, and Carina and I decided to foster her for now. I would like to be home so I can help her get settled.''

Andy doesn't know how to react. She has no problem with Maya taking time off, but she has never seen this side of her best friend before.

''Of course, you can take some time off Maya. Is a week enough? I think it's really beautiful that you guys are willing to take care of her.'' Andy says.

''A week is fine Andy, thank you.''

''Alright Bishop, I will leave Montgomery in charge of the station. Are you going to inform nineteen?''

''Sounds good, and yes, I will send a text in our group chat soon.'' Maya was already planning to inform nineteen after she finished her call with Andy.

Meanwhile Carina and Sofia were getting to know each other better.

''How did you and Maya meet?'' Sofia asks, curious about their story.

Carina smiles at the memory. ''I was working in the hospital, when Maya ran in carrying a nose. There had been a bear attack. That is the first time I saw her. That night, we met in a bar. I asked her if she was willing to share the story about how she ended up bringing a nose into the ER. We talked all night. A few days later, I helped her deliver a baby in a snowstorm. We started seeing each other more often, and eventually we fell in love.'' She briefly explains their story to Sofia.

''That sounds really nice.'' Sofia says. ''What was your life like in Italy?''

''I lived in Sicilia. I had a little brother, Andrea, and I lived together with him and my parents. I also loved going to my nonna and cook. When I was sixteen, my mama and little brother moved to the United States. I stayed in Italia with my papa. He was sick, so I took care of him. Then, my mom passed away, and a few years later I moved to the US so I could be with my brother again.'' She explains. It is still difficult for Carina to tell someone about her past, but she thinks that if she tells her own story, Sofia might trust her more.

''How about you, bambina, what was your life like in The Netherlands?'' Carina asks, not wanting to go in details about her past.

''It was good. I played football and I did judo until I was eight. Then my dad passed away, because he had cancer. After that everything changed, but I was happy though. My teacher at school also helped me a lot. My dad always used to play guitar or piano and sing us songs. I didn't have a very good connection with my mother though. After dad died, she didn't care about us anymore.'' Sofia looks away from Carina. She always found it difficult to look at people whenever she was telling something about herself.

Carina looks at her with a sad face.

''Are you able to play an instrument?'' Carina asks, trying to change the subject a little bit.

Sofia smiles again. ''I love to play guitar and I am able to play just a little bit of piano. I always sang Nora a song before bedtime.'' She tells Carina.

''How about you, what are your hobbies.'' She asks Carina.

Before Carina can answer, Maya enters the room again, followed by Doctor Shepherd.

''Hey Sofia, how are you feeling today?'' Amelia asks.

''I feel fine, just a little headache.''

''Well, I have good news for you. Your numbers and scans look good, and because you are not in too much pain, I'm comfortable discharging you in the afternoon.'' Doctor Shepherd says. ''I will get the papers ready.'' She turns to Maya and Carina.

''Thank you.'' The three say in unison.

As soon as Amelia leaves, Maya starts making a list of things they will need to do, once Sofia is discharged.

''Okay, so we already have a guest room. We can make that your room. How about after you get discharged, we will have a movie night. Then tomorrow, we could maybe go shopping and pick up stuff you like.''

''I think I would like that.'' Sofia answers.

They hang out for a few more hours. They watch tv, eat some food, get to know each other better and Sofia also takes a little nap. Around 4PM, a nurse enters the room.

''Mrs DeLuca-Bishop, I have Sofia's discharge papers here.'' She tells Maya and Carina.

Maya walks up to the nurse's station and thanks the nurse. Maya and Carina both sign the papers.

''Alright pretty girl, are you ready to go home?'' Maya asks Sofia.

Sofia looks at Maya. Two days ago, she didn't know who this woman was. But now, it looks like she's going to be a big part of her life.

''I am, let's go'' 


Another update! I hope you guys are enjoying this

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