Chapter nine

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Maya wakes up around 5:30. She slept well last night. She walks downstairs to make herself a morning smoothie. Vic had sent her a text, saying that if they needed help with anything, Vic would be there for them. Ben had also offered his help.

They were going shopping today, just the three of them. Maya was already making a list in her notes with stuff they were going to have to buy for Sofia. She finished her list and got dressed. All she wanted to do was go for a long run. It had been five days since she last ran, and she was starting to get restless.

At 7 am, Carina woke up without Maya next to her. She had already figured her wife would be gone for a run. Carina felt nauseous again. She opened Sofia's door to see if the girl was still sleeping, which she was.

Half an hour later, Maya came back from her run. She was drenched in sweat.

''Buongiorno mia moglie. How was your run.'' Carina walked up to her wife, giving her a quick kiss.

''Hi beautiful, it was great. I feel very good. How are you this morning.''

Carina sat back down again, while Maya was grabbing a glass of water. ''I feel nauseous again bambina. We have an appointment tomorrow at nine, but I think I might want to take a test today. I think I really am pregnant.''

''We could buy some at the store today. I can't believe this is really happening.'' Maya smiled like she did on her wedding day. ''I already have a list of things we should buy for Sofia. Do you have anything you want to add?''

Maya hands her phone to Carina to show her the list. ''It's a good list bambina. She told me she plays guitar yesterday, maybe we could give her a guitar as a gift. She might have some things she wants to add herself as well.'' Carina hands Maya's phone back.

Maya adds guitar to the list and puts her phone back in her pocket. ''I'm going to take a shower.''


Sofia wakes up around 9. At first, she is confused about where she is. But then she remembers the events of this week. She lets out a big sigh and walks downstairs. Maya is working on some paperwork, while Carina is working on her study.

''Goodmorning.'' Sofia is still wearing Maya's shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun.

''Buongiorno bambina, how did you sleep? What would you like for breakfast? Carina got up to prepare whatever Sofia wants for breakfast.

''I slept fine, the bed is very comfy. Can I have some cereal please?''

''Certo piccolina.''

Sofia silently enjoyed her breakfast. She was still waking up a bit. Definitely not a morning person.

''Do you need more medicine Soof?'' Maya asked

Sofia put down her spoon and put her dishes in the sink. ''No thanks Maya, I'm fine.''

Sofia couldn't take a shower, because of her stitches. So, she got dressed quickly and walked back to meet Maya and Carina still working in the living room.

''Can I ask you a question, bubs? How long have you been here, you know, in the United States, because you said you lived in The Netherlands. Maya looked up from her paperwork to meet Sofia's eyes.

''My mom got a job offer a month ago. I have been here ever since. We were just starting to get used to life in the US. We were going to Tomas' first football match, and my sister signed up for dance class. The house was also nicer than our former house. We were supposed to get all of our stuff next week. By the way, at what time did you want to go to the stores?''

''I just need half an hour to finish my work, and then we can leave. Is that ok with you Carina?'' Maya asks her wife.

''Sure, I'm finished anyways. How about we watch some tv together Sofia.''

After Maya finishes her work, they drive to the shopping center. The drive went a lot better than yesterday. Maya still sat in the back, but there were no tears, and they talked the whole ride.

''How about we go look for some paint first?'' Maya says, wanting to go down her list from top to bottom. The two agree, and they enter the store.

After two hours of shopping the three of them were sitting in a restaurant, ready to order their lunch. So far, Sofia got lots of clothes, a desk, a chair and some decorations for her room. She also chose to paint her room a blue/greyish color.

After lunch, they got the bambina a football, a new bike and of course some make-up. The only thing left was to go to the guitar store.

''I don't know anything about this Soof, what are you looking for? Maya asks. She has no experience with musical instruments. The only thing she ever got was running gear.

''I think I would like an acoustic guitar. That one looks nice.'' Sofia says.

''It's not too expensive as well. What do you say Maya?'' Carina picks up the guitar and gives it to Maya.

Maya looks at the guitar and strums once. ''Do you want to test it bubs?'' She asks Sofia.

Sofia grabs the guitar and starts jamming. Maya and Carina watch her in awe. She has definitely got talent.

''I like this one a lot, it sounds very nice.''

Maya and Carina share a look and nod. ''Okay than bambina, that's settled then.''

They buy the guitar and leave the store. Sofia's ribs are really bothering her by now. She didn't want to say anything, but she couldn't take it anymore. Carina gave her some Tylenol, and she fell asleep in the car.

When they arrived at their house, Maya carried her inside and put Sofia in her bed. Carina and Maya decide to order Chinese takeout.

''Bambina, what are we going to do about the appointment tomorrow? I mean I want you to be there with me, but I also don't want Sofia to be alone. We also can't take a test tonight, because we forgot to pick some up from the store.''

Maya thought about this for a minute. She also wanted to be there, but she didn't want Sofia to be alone. ''How about we ask Vic is she could watch Sofia for an hour or two. She's not working tomorrow.''

''That's fine with me, but we should ask the bambina first.''

The doorbell rings, and the food is delivered. Maya wakes Sofia up so she could join them for dinner.

''Bambina, Maya and I have to be somewhere tomorrow morning. Is it okay if Vic stays with you. She is very kind and I'm sure she would love to get to know you.'' Carina asked.

Sofia finished chewing first. ''I think that's alright, but who is Vic actually?''

''She is the firefighter who stayed with you after the accident, you know, before I was there.'' Maya said.

Sofia thought about it, but she couldn't really remember who Vic was. She didn't mind spending time with Vic though, even though the two didn't really know each other.

After dinner, Sofia went straight back to bed and Maya texted Vic, asking if Vic was available to watch Sofia for an hour or two tomorrow morning. Vic texted back a few minutes later, saying that she would be there, and she also asked if Travis could come as well.

''Vic will be here at 8:45. Travis will come as well.'' Maya says to Carina.

''That's good, I'm happy Sofia won't be alone. How do you feel about tomorrow?''

''I'm very excited. I know we have done this before, and it didn't end well, but I have a good feeling about this.''

They watched a movie on the couch and talked for a bit, before deciding to go to bed at 10:30. They were both very nervous about the next day. Both of them lay awake that night, hoping that they would finally get the good news tomorrow.


The next update will be tomorrow!

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