Chapter eleven

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''Bambina social services just called. Our social worker Jessica wants to come to our house tomorrow, to check if were suitable guardians. I told her she could come at 11. Is that ok?''

It's the next morning, and Carina and Maya are having breakfast together. Sofia is still asleep. In two days, Carina has to get another blood test. If the numbers have at least doubled, she's pregnant. Both Maya and Carina are very nervous, but excited.

Maya brings their plates to the kitchen and puts them in the dishwasher. ''Sure, I don't have to work anyways.''

Carina heads off to work, while Maya wakes up Sofia.

''Goodmorning bubs, did you sleep well?'' Maya whisper to Sofia, shaking her a little bit so that she wakes up.

They cuddle for a few minutes, until Sofia is fully awake.

''How about we visit the station today? I think it would be good for you, because you're probably going to spend some time there.'' Maya asks. She want's Sofia to have a good relationship with her colleagues. There is a big chance Sofia has to hang out at the station after school at least a few days a week.

Sofia agrees. She is actually eager to meet Maya's fellow firefighters, who are also the people who saved her. After a quick breakfast, they head to the station, by bike of course. Maya and Carina have found out quickly that Sofia is a very active child.

Maya puts an arm around Sofia's shoulder, as they walk to the front door together. Luckly, A-squad is working. The first person they greet is Scott, who is on desk duty. Sofia isn't shy at all. They walk upstairs into the beanery to find the other members of nineteen.

Vic, Ben and Jack are in the beanery, hanging out and talking about their last call.

''Hey guys.'' Maya says. She walks in with Sofia next to her.

''Sofia, hi.'' Vic walks up to the little girl and gives her a hug. ''How are you?''

Sofia hugs her back. ''I'm good, thanks.''

Maya turns to Ben and Jack, who don't really know what to do.

''So guys this is Sofia. I told you guys about her remember, in the text?''

Ben walks up to Sofia to introduce himself. ''Hi Sofia, my name is Ben Warren. It's very nice to see you again.''

Jack does the same.

''Maya can we please show her around the firehouse?'' He asks, looking excitedly at Maya.

Maya grins. ''Sure, as long as it's ok with Sofia.'' She says.

''I want to see everything!'' Sofia tugs on Ben's uniform.

They first show her the chill room, with the football table. Of course, they need to find out who is the best at this. It turns out Warren has some real skills.

''I will practice and beat you next time!'' Sofia chuckles.

They show her the gym, the turnout room, the trucks and finally the room with the piano. Sofia takes a seat and starts playing the intro of 'I will survive'.

''Wow, that's very impressive. Can you play something else?'' Jack asks.

Sofia looks over her shoulder and shrugs. ''Sure, anything in particular.''

''How about 'Bohemian Rhapsody'? Ben proposes.

Sofia plays the song effortlessly, while Ben and Jack sing. Maya stood in the doorway, filming this scene and sending it to Carina. She was so proud of Sofia. Even though they didn't know each other very long, Maya felt like Sofia was her daughter.

''That was beautiful honey! Are you ready to go home? I should cook dinner before Carina comes home.'' Maya says. Sofia says goodbye to the firefighters, and they bike back to their house.

Sofia wants to race Maya, but Maya can't allow that, since Sofia still hasn't completely recovered from her injuries.

''Slow down little one. We can race another time, when you're fully healed. There is also too much traffic here.''

They still have to go to the store, because there are no groceries at home.

''How about I cook us a Dutch meal?'' Sofia proposes. Maya was surprised at first, but she then remembers Sofia used to take care of her family, even though she was only a little girl.

''Alright, what are you going to cook?''

Sofia knows straight away. ''Boerenkool, it's one of my favorites.''

They go to the store to gather the ingredients. ''Too bad they don't have the original rookworst.'' Sofia says.

Back home, Maya wants to help Sofia in the kitchen, but she quickly finds out Sofia can cook way better than her. Ten minutes before dinner, Carina walks into the house. She is exhausted after a day of work.

''Hi babe, how was your day? Dinner is almost ready, I think. Sofia is cooking a traditional Dutch meal.'' Maya kisses Carina. They walk to the kitchen where Sofia has almost finished cooking.

''I'm fine bambina, just a long day. What's for dinner Soof? Carina asks.

Sofia takes the stamppot and puts it on the table. ''This is boerenkool. I hope you'll like it.''

They al start eating. Carina and Maya have never tasted anything like it, but it's good.

''Bubs this is really good, thank you. Maya says, and Carina agrees.

''We have to tell you something tesoro. Tomorrow at eleven, our social worker Jessica is going to see if Maya and I are suitable to be your guardians.'' Carina looks intently at Sofia, trying to read what she's thinking.

''I'm not worried'' Sofia says. They smile at her and make it an early night. 


I probably won't be updating tomorrow, because I don't have time. Also, I changed the name of the story, because I saw that somebody else already had the same name and I didn't know that before starting this fanfiction.

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