Chapter sixteen

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Today was the day of the ultrasound. Maya and Carina had already dropped Sofia of at school, and they were headed to the hospital together.

[POV: Carina]

I'm nervous. I know that Maya is nervous as well. We've tried so hard. I don't even know how many times I've prayed for a healthy baby, and I'm not even that religious. We walk into the building together, holding hands of course.

I choose  for Jo to be my OB. I've trained her myself and I like how she works. Maya and I are sitting in the waiting room together, waiting for Jo to come pick us up. Maya's leg in bouncing up and down. I don't know how to express my own anxiety. Luckly for us, we don't have to wait for long, because after 5 minutes, Jo comes in.

''It's great to see you both.'' Jo says as she closes the door.

I lay on the bed, not even really listening to her. I know what this is about. I've done this ultrasound a million times before. She's explaining it to Maya. Maya is so serious about this. She nods and asks questions about my health and the baby's health. It warms my heart.

Jo lifts my shirt up a little. ''As you know this will be cold.'' She told me.

In my opinion, this is taking too long. I don't know If it's because I'm the patient, but these are usually quicker. Maya sees me starting to panic and tries to comfort me.

Jo is looking at the screen intensively.

''Spit it out Wilson.'' Maya said. I can't see what she's doing, because the monitor is turned towards her. It worries me that we still haven't heard a heartbeat.

Then, she turns the monitor towards us. I instantly see what was taking her a bit longer.

''Oh mio dio, non sarà possibile!'' I shout.

[POV: Maya]

I'm scared. Carina looks shocked and I can't read the stupid ultrasound.

''Carina what? What is it?'' My voice sounds panicked, probably because I am.

She takes the stick thing from Jo and starts performing the ultrasound herself.

''Here is our baby.'' I'm looking at a dot on the screen, but tears fill my eyes.

''Oh my god. That is beautiful.'' I can't take my eyes of this dot.

Carina is also mesmorised.

''What is that other dot, babe? I ask.

''That's also our baby.'' She has the biggest smile on her face. ''We're having twins Maya.'' She says while letting go of the stick to hug me. I'm in shock. I can't say anything.

''But... what... I don't... this is.'' I stutter. Until I hear the heartbeat. Our baby's heartbeat. It's beautiful.

''Oh my god Carina.''

Then, we hear the other heartbeat.

'' Oh my god , Carina. Those are our babies! Are they both healthy? This sounds fast.'' I ask worried.

Carina takes my hand. ''That's normal bambina. It sounds good.''

''Congratulations to you both! The babies both look healthy.'' Jo says.

''Wow, I didn't expect this at all. I just wanted it to be healthy.'' I voice my thoughts out loud.

''I thought we only implanted one embryo.'' I say.

''We did bambina. The egg split. We're going to have identical twins.'' She says.

Carina has the day off, but I'm supposed to be back at work in less than an hour. We decide to hang out in her office for a little bit. We're both sitting on the couch, there is a comfortable silence. Carina is playing with my hair, while my mind is going about a thousand miles an hour. From the moment we heard it was twins, I started making a list in my head with things to do before they arrive.

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