Chapter 36: The Priest's Guidance

Start from the beginning

Ongaku> "Well this can't be a good sign..."

Pebbs> "What's the issue?"
Pebbs said impatiently waiting for a reply to this.

Laurent> "It appears a while ago... I may have..."

Ongaku> "May have...?"

Laurent> "I sold the pendent to this Monk a while ago."
An awkward silence just feel in the room for a couple of seconds before Pebbs decided to turn to Ongaku and say...

Pebbs> "I have something to tell you."

Ongaku> "What is it my liege?"

Pebbs> "I swear I'm going to kill him."

Ongaku> "Now, now, let's not be rash. Let me handle this situation accordingly."
Laurent gulped as he awaited Ongaku's words.

Ongaku> "So then... do you know where we could find this Monk?"

Laurent> "It's... Very far from here."

Pebbs> "Great."

Ongaku> "That's no matter, now tell us where and we will go."

Laurent> "West of Newbold in the peaks of the mountains, you will find his temple there."

Ongaku> "Great, thank you for this. We shall be going now."
Ongaku basically had to be pushy with Pebbs to leave before he would kill Laurent, before they though.

Laurent> "Attend, before you go I have a temporary solution."
Laurent through a cross to them that was blessed with holy water. Pebbs sped to catch the cross.

Laurent> "Bring this with you, in case you encounter any demons on your way."

Pebbs> "I guess this will do for now."

Laurent> "Two more things. When using the cross, you might fully believe in the word of god and say his prayer 'Our Father' to banish the demon. I will give you it written in English. And finally, once you find the pendent bring it to me to bless it with holy water to purify it and renew it's power."

Ongaku> "I don't believe there will be demons... Right?"

Laurent> "You must know, it's near the Dark Forest the peaks, so you never know..."

Pebbs> "Alright, for precautions we'll take it."

Ongaku> "Yeah, better to be safe than sorry."
Laurent handed them a paper with the translated prayer so Pebbs can use it when needed.

Laurent> "You can be on your way now. Bon voyage!"

Ongaku> "Goodbye!"

Meanwhile, during this, another guest had arrived that very day at Evergreen! Arman was waiting for her to arrive so that they could spend time together and when she finally arrived at the door of Evergreen he greeted her.

Arman> "You came, what's up?"

Fuyumi> "Nothing much really, the train ride was relaxing."

Arman> "We have a lot to catch up on."

Fuyumi> "It's only been a week or so."

Arman> "I mean, a lot can happen in a week! Right?"

Fuyumi> "Fair point."
The other guild members looked at Arman and began to tease him.

Jean> "Isn't that the girl you fought in the tournament and got your but kicked by???"

Arman blushed from embarrassment.
Arman> "Hey! It's not my fault nature stands no chance against frost!"

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